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New releases
Upcoming releases
New developments

New releases

Environmental Protection Expenditures in the Business Sector

This publication will consist of data from the 2006 Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures. Estimates of environmental protection expenditures, by industry and province, made by Canadian businesses in response to environmental regulations, conventions or voluntary agreements, will be presented. The estimates will include capital and operating expenditures made for pollution abatement and control, pollution prevention, environmental assessments and audits, and environmental monitoring activities.

Released November 17, 2008 (Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 16F0006X )

Human Activity and the Environment–Teacher's kit

The annual publication Human Activity and the Environment addresses current environmental issues from a Canadian perspective. Each edition presents a feature article on an environmental issue of concern to Canadians, plus a compendium of maps, tables and charts. A lesson plan related to the 2007 and 2008 feature article, "Climate change in Canada ," has been added to Statistics Canada's Learning Resources and will be useful for teachers. The lesson plan is targeted at intermediate and secondary level geography, science and environmental studies classes, and contains four worksheets and five assignments.

Available at: /kits-trousses/edu01f_0000-eng.htm

Upcoming releases

Households and the Environment Survey, 2007

Statistics Canada conducts the Households and the Environment Survey every two years to measure household behaviours with respect to the environment. The survey collects information that can be used to measure changes in environmental practices at the household level. The subjects examined include energy and water conservation, drinking water source and treatment, recycling and waste reduction practices, indoor and outdoor air quality, vehicle use, and the use and disposal of potentially hazardous household substances.

To be released shortly (Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-526-X )

New developments

Households and the Environment Survey: Energy Supplement

John Marshall, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division

Collection for the 2007 cycle of the Households and the Environment Survey (HES) took place from October 2007 until February 2008. Information on household environmental behaviours, equipment and practices was collected from about 22,000 households. The results from this cycle of the survey will be published in early 2009.

A new supplement on energy use has been added to the HES. The energy use supplement covered information on dwelling characteristics, household appliances, electrical devices, heating and cooling equipment, and energy (for example, electricity, natural gas, heating oil, propane) use and consumption. This supplement is a joint initiative of Statistics Canada and Natural Resources Canada.

CANSIM tables and updates

CANSIM is Statistics Canada's key socio-economic database.

The following tables have been added to CANSIM:

CANSIM table 153-0052, Capital and operating expenditures on environmental protection, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and type of activity, Canada

CANSIM table 153-0053, Capital and operating expenditures on environmental protection, by type of activity, Canada , provinces and territories

CANSIM table 153-0054, Distribution of capital expenditures on pollution abatement and control (end-of-pipe) and pollution prevention, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and type of environmental medium, Canada

CANSIM table 153-0055, Distribution of capital expenditures on pollution abatement and control (end-of-pipe) and pollution prevention, by type of environmental medium, Canada , provinces and territories

CANSIM table 153-0056, Capital and operating expenditures on environmental protection, by type of activity and establishment size, Canada

CANSIM table 153-0057, Selected population characteristics, Canada , ecozones and ecoregions with population

CANSIM table 153-0058, Selected agricultural activities, Canada , ecozones and ecoregions with agriculture

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