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Burghardt, A.F. 1972. Income density in the United States. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 62(3): 455 to 460.

Carter, F.W. 1969. An analysis of the medieval Serbian oecumene: A theoretical approach. Geografiska Annaler, Series B 51(1): 39 to 56.

Crampton, Jeremy W. 2004. GIS and geographic governance: Reconstructing the choropleth map. Cartographica 39(1): 41 to 52.

Dent, Borden D. 1999. Cartography: Thematic Map Design. Fifth edition. New York: WCB/McGraw-Hill.

Dorff, Erik. 2007. The soybean, agriculture's jack-of-all trades, is gaining ground across Canada. Canadian Agriculture at a Glance. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 96-325-XIE2007000. Ottawa. (accessed November 21, 2007).

Dorling, D. 1993. Map design for census mapping. The Cartographic Journal 30(2): 167 to 183.

Encarta® Online Encyclopedia. n.d.Geography – History of Geography. (accessed December 14, 2007).

Enequist, Gerd. 1960. Advance and retreat of rural settlement in northwestern Sweden. Geografiska Annaler 42(4): 211 to 220.

Environmental Systems Research Institute. 1996. Automation of Map Generalization–The Cutting-Edge Technology. ESRI White Paper Series, May 1996. Redlands, CA: Environmental Systems Research Institute. (accessed November 21, 2007).

Environmental Systems Research Institute 2000. Map Generalization in GIS: Practical Solutions with Workstation ArcInfo™ Software, ESRI Technical Paper, July 2000. Redlands, CA: Environmental Systems Research Institute. (accessed November 21, 2007).

Firmage-O'Brien, Kelly. 2008. Bison on the comeback trail. Canadian Agriculture at a Glance. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 96-325-XIE2007000. Ottawa. (accessed February 25, 2008).

Fleming, Neil and Allan Rowell. 2000. Canadian Manufacturing Activity: A Geographic Perspective. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 31F0028XIE. Ottawa. (accessed December 17, 2007).

Gajda, Roman T. 1960. The Canadian ecumene: Inhabited and uninhabited areas. Geographical Bulletin 15: 5 to 18.

Hamelin, Louis-Edmond. 1972. Types of Canadian ecumene. Readings in Canadian Geography. Revised edition. Robert M. Irving (ed.). Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, p. 20 to 30.

Haythornthwaite, Thomas, W., Carolyn C. Weiss and John W.L. Heimbecker. 1989. A GIS approach for delineating and analyzing agricultural land in Canada, Proceedings, National Conference on GIS: Challenge for the 1990s. Ottawa: Canadian Institute of Surveying and Mapping, p. 191 to 200.

Health and Welfare Canada and Statistics Canada. 1980a. Mortality Atlas of Canada – Volume 1: Cancer. Catalogue no. H49-6/1-1980. Ottawa.

Health and Welfare Canada and Statistics Canada 1980b. Mortality Atlas of Canada – Volume 2: General Mortality. Catalogue no. H49-6/2-1980. Ottawa.

Health and Welfare Canada and Statistics Canada 1991. Mortality Atlas of Canada – Volume 4: General Mortality Patterns and Recent Trends. Catalogue no. H49-6/4-1990. Ottawa.

Holloway, Steven R., James Schumacker and Roland L. Redmond. 1997. People and Place: Dasymetric Mapping Using Arc/Info. Missoula, Montana: Wildlife Spatial Analysis Lab, University of Montana. (accessed December 3, 2007).

Jacobs, John D. 1979. Climate and the Thule ecumene. Thule Eskimo Culture: An Anthropological Retrospective. Allen P. McCartney (ed.). National Museum of Man Mercury Series, Archaeological Survey of Canada Paper No. 88. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, p. 528 to 540.

Jacobs, Joseph. 1899. The Story of Geographical Discovery: How the World Became Known. London: G. Newnes. Posted online December 2004 by Project Gutenberg. Project Gutenberg EBook, EText No. 14291. (accessed January 25, 2008).

Jefferson, Mark. 1934. The problem of the ecumene: The case of Canada. Geografiska Annaler 16: 146 to 158.

Kariel, Herbert G. 1970. Analysis of the Alberta settlement pattern for 1961 and 1966 by nearest neighbor analysis. Geografiska Annaler, Series B 52(2): 124 to 130.

Langford, M. and D.J. Unwin. 1994. Generating and mapping population density surfaces within a geographical information system. The Cartographic Journal 31(1): 21 to 26.

MacEachren, Alan M. 1985. Accuracy of thematic maps: Implications of choropleth symbolization. Cartographica 22(1): 38 to 58.

MacEachren, Alan M 1994. Some Truth with Maps: A Primer on Symbolization & Design. Washington, DC: Association of American Geographers.

McCann, L.D. 1980. Canadian resource towns: A heartland-hinterland perspective. Essays on Canadian Urban Process and Form II. Richard E. Preston and Lorne H. Russwurm (eds.). Department of Geography Publication Series No. 15. Waterloo, Ontario: Department of Geography, University of Waterloo, p. 213 to 267.

McCartney, Allen P. 1979. Introduction. Thule Eskimo Culture: An Anthropological Retrospective. Allen P. McCartney (ed.). National Museum of Man Mercury Series, Archaeological Survey of Canada Paper No. 88. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, p. 1 to 9.

Natural Resources Canada. 1974. National Atlas of Canada. Fourth edition, revised. Catalogue no. M61-1/1974E. Toronto: Macmillan Company of Canada.

Robinson, Arthur H., Joel L. Morrison, Phillip C. Muehrcke, A. Jon Kimerling and Stephen C. Guptill. 1995. Elements of Cartography. Sixth edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Rundstrom, Robert A. 1992. Mapping the Inuit ecumene of Arctic Canada. Geographical Snapshots of North America. Donald G. Janelle (ed.). New York: Guilford Press, p. 11 to 14.

Skocz, Dennis E. 2004. Herodotus and the origins of geography: The strange, the familiar, and the earthbound. Earth Ways: Framing Geographical Meanings. Gary Backhaus and John Murungi (eds.). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, p. 1 to 22.

Statistics Canada. 1979. Agriculture: Graphic Presentation. 1976 Census of Canada. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 96-871. Ottawa.

Statistics Canada. 1984. A Profile of Canadian Agriculture. 1981 Census of Canada. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 96-920. Ottawa.

Statistics Canada. 1989. A Profile of Canadian Agriculture. 1986 Census of Canada. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 96-113. Ottawa.

Statistics Canada. 2003. Agricultural Ecumene Census Division Boundary File for the 2001 Census of Agriculture, Reference Guide. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92F0175GIE. Ottawa. (accessed December 12, 2007)

Statistics Canada. 2007a. Population Ecumene Census Division Cartographic Boundary File, Reference Guide. Census year 2006. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-159-GIE. Ottawa. (accessed November 30, 2007).

Statistics Canada. 2007b. 2006 Census Dictionary (Geography Universe A to Z Index). Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-566-XWE. Ottawa. Version updated December 11, 2007. (accessed January 3, 2008)

Statistics Canada. 2007c. Canada. Percentage of Population Aged 14 Years and Under by 2006 Census Division (map). 2006 Census. Thematic maps. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-173-XIE. (accessed January 3, 2008).

Statistics Canada and Canadian Institute for Health Information. 2006. Adult Obesity by 2005 Health Region (map). Health Indicators, Vol. 2006, No. 1. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-221-XIE. (accessed January 19, 2008).

Storrie, Margaret C. and C.I. Jackson. 1972. Canadian environments. Geographical Review 62(3): 309 to 332.

Trewartha, Glenn T. 1953. A case for population geography. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 43(2): 71 to 97.

Werschler, Timothy J. 1995. Delineation of the Canadian Agricultural Ecumene for 1991. Agriculture and Rural Working Paper Series, Working Paper no. 28. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 21-601-MIE1995028. Ottawa. (accessed December 12, 2007).

Wikipedia. 2007. Ecumene. Page last modified 8 November 2007. (accessed November 29, 2007).

Wikipedia. 2008. Herodotus. Page last modified 29 January 2008. (accessed January 31, 2008).

Wolfe, Roy I. 1962. Transportation and politics: The example of Canada. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 52(2): 176 to 190.

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