Table 4.9
Census subdivision boundary files record layout

Table 4.9
Census subdivision boundary files record layout
Table summary
This table displays the results of Census subdivision boundary files record layout. The information is grouped by Attribute name (appearing as row headers), Data type and Description (appearing as column headers).
Attribute name Data type Description
FID Object ID (4) Specific to ArcGIS®.
Shape Geometry Specific to ArcGIS®.
DigitalBoundary CartographicBoundary MultiPolygon PropertyType Shape geometry; specific to Geography Markup Language.
CSDUID VARCHAR2(7) Uniquely identifies a census subdivision (composed of the 2-digit province/territory unique identifier followed by the 2-digit census division code and the 3-digit census subdivision code).
CSDNAME VARCHAR2(100) Census subdivision name.
CSDTYPE VARCHAR2(3) Census subdivisions are classified according to designations adopted by provincial/territorial or federal authorities.
PRUID VARCHAR2(2) Uniquely identifies a province or territory.
PRNAME VARCHAR2(100) Province or territory name.
CDUID VARCHAR2(4) Uniquely identifies a census division (composed of the 2-digit province/territory unique identifier followed by the 2-digit census division code).
CDNAME VARCHAR2(100) Census division name.
CDTYPE VARCHAR2(3) Census division type.
CCSUID VARCHAR2(7) Uniquely identifies a census consolidated subdivision (composed of the 2-digit province/territory unique identifier followed by the 2-digit census division code and the 3-digit census consolidated subdivision code).
CCSNAME VARCHAR2(100) Census consolidated subdivision name.
ERUID VARCHAR2(4) Uniquely identifies an economic region (composed of the 2-digit province/territory unique identifier followed by the 2-digit economic region code).
ERNAME VARCHAR2(100) Economic region name.
SACCODE VARCHAR2(3) The 3-digit Statistical Area Classification code.
SACTYPE VARCHAR2(1) The Statistical Area Classification groups census subdivisions according to whether they are a component of a census metropolitan area, a census agglomeration, a census metropolitan influenced zone or the territories.
CMAUID VARCHAR2(3) Uniquely identifies a census metropolitan area/census agglomeration.
CMAPUID VARCHAR2(5) Uniquely identifies the provincial/territorial part of a census metropolitan area/census agglomeration (composed of the 2-digit province/territory unique identifier followed by the 3-digit census metropolitan area/census agglomeration unique identifier).
CMANAME VARCHAR2(100) Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration name.
CMATYPE VARCHAR2(1) A one-character field identifying whether the unit is a census metropolitan area, a tracted census agglomeration or a non-tracted census agglomeration.
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