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This report was produced by the Demosim team, under the direction of Éric Caron-Malenfant. The following people are part of or were part of the Demosim team when this version of the model was being developed: Éric Caron-Malenfant, Jonathan Chagnon, Simon Coulombe, Patrice Dion, Harry François, Nora Galbraith, Mark Knarr, Stéphanie Langlois, Laurent Martel and Jean-Dominique Morency of the Demography Division; Melanie Abeysundera, Dominic Grenier, Chantal Grondin and Soumaya Moussa of the Social Survey Methods Division; Karla Fox of the Statistical Research and Innovation Division; Martin Spielauer of the Social Analysis and Modelling Division; and René Houle of the Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division.

The development of the current version of Demosim benefitted from the financial support of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) and Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Representatives of these departments were also consulted at different stages, through an interdepartmental working group and an interdepartmental steering committee. It is also important to acknowledge the contribution of the Demosim scientific committee, whose mandate is to make recommendations on the methods, assumptions, data sources and products based on the Demosim model. The committee, chaired by Michael Wolfson (University of Ottawa), is composed of Stewart Clatworthy (Four Directions Project Consultants), David Coleman (Oxford University), Eric Guimond (AANDC), Peter Hicks (consultant), Jack Jedwab (Association for Canadian Studies), Don Kerr (University of Western Ontario) and Réjean Lachapelle (consultant).

Thanks to Carol D’Aoust for technical support in preparing this report, and to Roxanne Paul. Thanks also to the reviewers of the preliminary versions of this report: Rosalinda Costa, André Cyr, Marc Lachance, Anne Milan and Pierre Turcotte.

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