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Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories


This report was produced through the combined efforts of members of the Research and Analysis Section and other members of the Demography Division. Alain Bélanger, Laurent Martel and Éric Caron Malenfant developed the assumptions and prepared the manuscript. Stéphane Gilbert, Joe He and Laurie Paquette assisted in some of the analyses used in developing the assumptions. The report was drafted and the analyses leading to development of the assumptions were carried out under the direction of Alain Bélanger.

Carol D’Aoust provided invaluable technical assistance to the authors in preparing the historical and projected data. Denis Prud’homme wrote the programming for the projections, and Julie Dussault provided technical support in preparing the results files. The PDF and HTML documents were produced by Monique Deschambault and her team. Rachel Penkar realized the graphic design of the cover and back cover pages.

Pamela White, Réjean Lachapelle and Doug Norris provided constructive comments on the final version of the report and reviewed it on behalf of Statistics Canada.

Consultations were held on the assumptions and scenarios underlying the projections. The authors would like to thank the members of the Federal-Provincial Committee on Demography and the provincial/territorial statistical focal points for their comments and suggestions, particularly with regard to the development of the assumptions concerning interprovincial migration and the geographic distribution of immigrants. Citizenship and Immigration Canada was consulted on the immigration assumptions. Statistics Canada’s advisory committee on statistics and demography also provided advice on the assumptions and the methodology.

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Date Modified: 2005-12-16 Important Notices