Statistics Canada
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Table 2.4-1
Annual estimates of demographic components by age group and sex, 2009-2010
1, national perspective — Births

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Births: Part 1
  Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario
Both sexes 381,382 4,480 1,397 8,810 7,044 88,400 141,784
Males 195,678 2,333 692 4,574 3,590 45,479 72,529
Females 185,704 2,147 705 4,236 3,454 42,921 69,255
Births: Part 2
  Manitoba Saskat‑
Alberta British Columbia Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut
Both sexes 15,990 14,122 52,937 44,497 366 739 816
Males 8,106 7,270 27,115 22,984 184 377 445
Females 7,884 6,852 25,822 21,513 182 362 371
Period from July 1 to June 30.
Preliminary estimates