Statistics Canada
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Table 1-3
Quarterly population estimates, national perspective — Quarterly population growth

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Quarterly population growth: Part 1
  Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario
October - December 63,403 46 -348 406 529 10,707 9,798
July - September 129,888 1,049 932 815 488 21,350 48,063
April - June 125,840 179 831 521 400 20,252 46,877
January - March 82,510 -52 312 572 299 13,757 29,898
October - December 56,343 332 60 519 224 11,547 12,172
July - September 119,324 977 497 659 1,009 18,910 46,477
April - June 111,113 -577 62 14 399 17,372 44,164
January - March 78,970 -1,773 22 -724 141 11,483 31,685
October - December 48,986 -596 -17 -583 -98 7,393 9,378
July - September 112,229 -908 131 -678 -746 18,238 42,999
Quarterly population growth: Part 2
  Manitoba Saskat-
Alberta British Columbia Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut
October - December 3,268 2,963 21,701 14,440 70 -211 34
July - September 2,588 4,862 25,640 23,931 228 -132 74
April - June 4,803 3,941 27,587 20,215 144 -73 163
January - March 2,678 3,365 16,323 15,187 246 -79 4
October - December 3,055 2,839 13,665 11,737 81 132 -20
July - September 3,909 6,143 16,675 24,159 91 -232 50
April - June 3,860 3,851 22,511 18,677 276 325 179
January - March 2,859 1,860 17,081 16,116 -13 41 192
October - December 1,553 1,391 18,921 11,728 -45 -84 45
July - September 1,211 473 31,126 20,204 88 55 36
Numbers for total growth are updated from July 2006 to March 2008 and preliminary from April 2008.