Statistics Canada
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Table 4-10
Quarterly estimates of demographic components, provincial perspective — Alberta

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  Natural increase Interprovincial migration International migration
Births Deaths In-migrants Out-migrants Immigrants Emigrants Returning emigrants Net temporary emigrants Net non-permanent residents
October - December 11,906 5,370 20,152 13,954 5,207 1,079 488 519 4,870
July - September 12,677 4,932 30,265 25,338 6,439 2,062 1,257 727 8,061
April - June 12,476 5,058 29,230 22,500 7,200 1,196 881 545 7,099
January - March 10,955 5,529 22,319 19,558 5,350 1,055 527 516 3,830
October - December 11,665 5,154 18,840 17,976 5,087 1,074 488 519 2,308
July - September 12,483 4,771 31,491 31,836 6,169 2,044 1,257 727 4,653
April - June 12,139 4,939 21,947 17,270 5,595 1,067 866 543 5,783
January - March 10,647 5,390 18,625 13,900 4,015 916 508 507 3,999
October - December 11,300 5,006 20,628 12,950 4,832 992 489 525 1,145
July - September 12,002 4,598 34,456 17,727 5,714 1,861 1,261 733 2,612