Statistics Canada
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Table 4-2
Quarterly estimates of demographic components, provincial perspective — Newfoundland and Labrador

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Newfoundland and Labrador
  Natural increase Interprovincial migration International migration
Births Deaths In-migrants Out-migrants Immigrants Emigrants Returning emigrants Net temporary emigrants Net non-permanent residents
October - December 1,059 1,231 2,471 2,179 181 57 17 58 -157
July - September 1,138 1,159 3,855 3,032 154 109 44 81 239
April - June 1,145 1,112 3,554 3,548 151 64 31 61 83
January - March 1,023 1,214 3,099 3,139 137 57 19 58 138
October - December 1,066 1,205 2,687 2,198 167 57 17 58 -87
July - September 1,152 1,132 4,142 3,298 143 109 44 81 116
April - June 1,166 1,078 2,327 3,118 126 52 29 60 83
January - March 1,045 1,182 1,601 3,272 109 44 17 57 10
October - December 1,092 1,174 1,637 2,195 154 48 17 59 -20
July - September 1,183 1,109 2,841 3,888 127 89 42 82 67