Statistics Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Table 4-1
Quarterly estimates of demographic components, provincial perspective — Canada

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  Natural increase Interprovincial migration International migration
Births Deaths In-migrants Out-migrants Immigrants Emigrants Returning emigrants Net temporary emigrants Net non-permanent residents
October - December 90,160 62,473 67,271 67,271 53,549 9,058 3,499 4,537 -7,737
July - September 97,620 56,852 118,454 118,454 71,317 17,300 9,019 6,361 32,445
April - June 93,071 58,830 105,691 105,691 69,228 10,029 6,323 4,766 30,843
January - March 86,238 62,843 81,561 81,561 53,147 8,855 3,774 4,501 15,550
October - December 88,603 60,309 70,551 70,551 55,572 9,012 3,499 4,537 -17,473
July - September 96,173 55,220 125,673 125,673 71,656 17,153 9,019 6,361 21,210
April - June 91,578 57,225 77,629 77,629 61,649 8,925 6,107 4,745 22,674
January - March 84,543 61,800 60,920 60,920 47,875 7,660 3,579 4,430 16,863
October - December 86,920 59,303 62,974 62,974 58,245 8,297 3,450 4,591 -27,438
July - September 94,248 54,206 103,539 103,539 70,356 15,575 8,894 6,403 14,915