Statistics Canada
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Table 2-2
Quarterly estimates of demographic components, national perspective — Deaths

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Deaths: Part 1
  Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario
October - December 62,473 1,231 314 2,160 1,609 14,700 23,663
July - September 56,852 1,159 281 2,047 1,534 13,250 21,420
April - June 58,830 1,112 321 2,125 1,512 14,150 21,987
January - March 62,843 1,214 308 2,113 1,660 15,100 23,238
October - December 60,309 1,205 305 2,102 1,561 13,950 22,804
July - September 55,220 1,132 272 1,993 1,483 12,800 20,651
April - June 57,225 1,078 314 2,080 1,477 13,850 21,290
January - March 61,800 1,182 301 2,069 1,620 15,550 22,503
October - December 59,303 1,174 299 2,060 1,525 14,018 22,088
July - September 54,206 1,109 267 1,957 1,451 12,988 20,028
Deaths: Part 2
  Manitoba Saskat-
Alberta British Columbia Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut
October - December 2,786 2,498 5,370 8,023 52 38 29
July - September 2,403 2,178 4,932 7,505 49 61 33
April - June 2,365 2,258 5,058 7,813 45 47 37
January - March 2,596 2,418 5,529 8,533 44 48 42
October - December 2,716 2,473 5,154 7,923 52 36 28
July - September 2,334 2,142 4,771 7,502 49 60 31
April - June 2,322 2,209 4,939 7,541 43 46 36
January - March 2,549 2,369 5,390 8,139 42 46 40
October - December 2,671 2,425 5,006 7,926 49 35 27
July - September 2,300 2,111 4,598 7,263 47 57 30
The numbers of deaths are final up to December 2006, updated from January 2007 to March 2008 and preliminary from April 2008.