Profile by region and community

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Table start

Table 5.24
Total population, Inuit and non-Inuit populations by selected linguistic indicators, Naujaat, 2001 to 2016
Table summary
This table displays the results of Total population 2001, 2006, 2011, 2016 and 2001 to 2016 , calculated using numbers and percent change units of measure (appearing as column headers).
2001 2006 2011 2016 2001 to 2016
numbers percent change
Total population 610 745 940 1,075 76.2
Knowledge of Inuktut 590 705 920 1,040 76.3
Inuktut mother tongue 575 700 900 995 73.0
Inuktut spoken at home (Total) 580 695 870 1,025 76.7
As a main language 565 635 825 895 58.4
As a secondary language 15 60 45 130 766.7
English spoken at home (Total) 440 430 625 965 119.3
Workers aged 15 years and older 255 290 330 335 31.4
Use of Inuktut at work (Total) 235 215 275 280 19.1
As a main language 200 145 220 165 -17.5
As a secondary language 35 70 55 115 228.6
Use of English at work (Total) 205 245 270 320 56.1
Inuit population 585 715 920 1,030 76.1
Knowledge of Inuktut 585 700 915 1,035 76.9
Inuktut mother tongue 575 690 895 995 73.0
Inuktut spoken at home (Total) 575 680 870 1,030 79.1
As a main language 565 620 825 900 59.3
As a secondary language 10 60 45 130 1200.0
English spoken at home (Total) 415 405 605 925 122.9
Inuit workers aged 15 years and older 235 265 310 295 25.5
Use of Inuktut at work (Total) 225 220 275 275 22.2
As a main language 195 150 220 165 -15.4
As a secondary language 30 70 55 110 266.7
Use of English at work (Total) 180 225 255 280 55.6
Non-Inuit population 20 35 25 45 125.0

Table end

Chart 5.22 Total population, Inuit and non-Inuit populations by selected linguistic indicators, Naujaat, 2001 to 2016

Data table for Chart 5.22

Data table for Chart 5.22
Table summary
This table displays the results of Data table for Chart 5.22 Inuktut mother tongue and Inuktut spoken most often at home, Inuktut mother tongue and Inuktut spoken regularly at home, Inuktut mother tongue but Inuktut not spoken at home, Mother tongue other than Inuktut but Inuktut spoken at home and Mother tongue other than Inuktut and Inuktut not spoken at home, calculated using percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Inuktut mother tongue and Inuktut spoken most often at home Inuktut mother tongue and Inuktut spoken regularly at home Inuktut mother tongue but Inuktut not spoken at home Mother tongue other than Inuktut but Inuktut spoken at home Mother tongue other than Inuktut and Inuktut not spoken at home
Total Inuit population 85 11 0 4 0
0 to 14 years 85 10 0 5 0
15 to 24 years 80 18 0 3 0
25 to 54 years 84 11 0 5 0
55 years and over 100 0 0 0 0
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