Profile by region and community
Grise Fiord

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Table start

Table 5.16
Total population, Inuit and non-Inuit populations by selected linguistic indicators, Grise Fiord, 2001 to 2016
Table summary
This table displays the results of Total population 2001, 2006, 2011, 2016 and 2001 to 2016 , calculated using number and percent change units of measure (appearing as column headers).
2001 2006 2011 2016 2001 to 2016
number percent change
Total population 165 140 130 130 -21.2
Knowledge of Inuktut 145 125 110 120 -17.2
Inuktut mother tongue 140 115 110 100 -28.6
Inuktut spoken at home (Total) 140 115 110 105 -25.0
As a main language 130 75 70 50 -61.5
As a secondary language 10 40 40 55 450.0
English spoken at home (Total) 115 120 95 115 0.0
Workers aged 15 years and older 75 85 75 85 13.3
Use of Inuktut at work (Total) 65 60 60 65 0.0
As a main language 45 35 30 20 -55.6
As a secondary language 20 25 30 45 125.0
Use of English at work (Total) 60 70 75 80 33.3
Inuit population 150 120 115 120 -20.0
Knowledge of Inuktut 145 120 110 115 -20.7
Inuktut mother tongue 140 105 110 100 -28.6
Inuktut spoken at home (Total) 140 115 105 105 -25.0
As a main language 130 75 70 50 -61.5
As a secondary language 10 40 35 55 450.0
English spoken at home (Total) 100 100 80 105 5.0
Inuit workers aged 15 years and older 60 65 60 75 25.0
Use of Inuktut at work (Total) 60 70 55 65 8.3
As a main language 45 45 25 20 -55.6
As a secondary language 15 25 30 45 200.0
Use of English at work (Total) 50 65 55 70 40.0
Non-Inuit population 15 25 20 0 -100.0

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