Table 11
Farms classified by total farm capital and by total gross farm receipts in the year prior to the census, five agricultural regions of Quebec, 2011

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Table 11
Farms classified by total farm capital and by total gross farm receipts in the year prior to the census, five agricultural regions of Quebec, 2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of Farms classified by total farm capital and by total gross farm receipts in the year prior to the census Estrie, Montérégie, Montréal - Laval, Laurentides, Outaouais and Total
Quebec, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Estrie Montérégie Montréal - Laval Laurentides Outaouais Total
number percent number percent number percent number percent number percent number percent
Farms classified by total farm capitalTable 11 Note 1
Farms, under $200,000 276 10.1 383 5.6 26 16.7 139 10.0 149 12.8 3,661 12.4
Farms, $200,000 to $499,999 859 31.5 1,353 19.8 32 20.5 368 26.5 447 38.3 8,024 27.3
Farms, $500,000 to $1,499,999 1,190 43.6 2,728 39.8 55 35.3 595 42.8 448 38.4 11,741 39.9
Farms, $1,500,000 to $3,499,999 333 12.2 1,583 23.1 29 18.6 215 15.5 101 8.7 4,421 15.0
Farms, $3,500,000 and over 72 2.6 801 11.7 14 9.0 73 5.3 22 1.9 1,590 5.4
Farms classified by total gross farm receiptsTable 11 Note 1 Table 11 Note 2 Table 11 Note 3
Farms, under $25,000 965 35.3 1,466 21.4 50 32.1 479 34.5 568 48.7 8,735 29.7
Farms, $25,000 to $99,999 745 27.3 1,646 24.0 32 20.5 362 26.0 345 29.6 7,055 24.0
Farms, $100,000 to $499,999 765 28.0 2,468 36.0 41 26.3 408 29.4 213 18.3 9,519 32.3
Farms, $500,000 to $1,999,999 238 8.7 1,101 16.1 26 16.7 121 8.7 40 3.4 3,646 12.4
Farms, $2,000,000 and over 17 0.6 167 2.4 7 4.5 20 1.4 1 0.1 482 1.6
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