Table 9
Farms classified by total farm area and declared land tenure, five agricultural regions of Quebec, 2011

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Table 9
Farms classified by total farm area and declared land tenure, five agricultural regions of Quebec, 2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of Farms classified by total farm area and declared land tenure Estrie, Montérégie, Montréal - Laval, Laurentides, Outaouais and Total
Quebec, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Estrie Montérégie Montréal - Laval Laurentides Outaouais Total
number percent number percent number percent number percent number percent number percent
Farms classified by total farm area
Farms under 130 acres 933 34.2 3,084 45.0 138 88.5 742 53.4 349 29.9 11,725 39.8
Farms between 130 and 399 acres 1,142 41.8 2,565 37.5 12 7.7 440 31.7 462 39.6 11,426 38.8
Farms between 400 and 1,119 acres 605 22.2 1,012 14.8 4 2.6 184 13.2 309 26.5 5,422 18.4
Farms between 1,120 and 2,879 acres 45 1.6 180 2.6 1 0.6 24 1.7 45 3.9 803 2.7
Farms 2,880 acres and over 5 0.2 7 0.1 1 0.6 0 0.0 2 0.2 61 0.2
Land tenureTable 9 Note 1
Area owned 2,642 96.8 6,567 95.9 136 87.2 1,297 93.3 1,132 97.0 28,155 95.6
Area leased from governments 39 1.4 108 1.6 5 3.2 53 3.8 29 2.5 848 2.9
Area rented or leased from others 763 27.9 2,109 30.8 43 27.6 376 27.1 333 28.5 8,935 30.4
Area crop-shared from others 15 0.5 56 0.8 0 0.0 8 0.6 14 1.2 249 0.8
Land area used through other arrangements 151 5.5 300 4.4 14 9.0 76 5.5 80 6.9 1,527 5.2
Total area of land used by others 280 10.3 951 13.9 9 5.8 182 13.1 115 9.9 3,509 11.9
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