Table 2
First official language spoken (FOLS) by workers in the agri-food sector aged 15 years and over, Quebec, 2011

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Table 2
First official language spoken (FOLS) by workers in the agri-food sector aged 15 years and over, Quebec, 2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of First official language spoken (FOLS) by workers in the agri-food sector aged 15 years and over. The information is grouped by Agricultural regions (appearing as row headers), First official language spoken, English, French, Other and Total, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Agricultural regions First official language spokenTable 2 Note 1
English French Other English French Other Total
number percent
885 9,410 0 8.6 91.2 0.0 10,320
Outaouais 3,505 15,400 35 18.5 81.3 0.2 18,945
Laurentides 2,100 34,485 55 5.7 94.1 0.2 36,640
Lanaudière 810 31,445 0 2.5 97.4 0.0 32,275
Montréal - Laval 48,860 92,885 2,285 33.9 64.5 1.6 144,030
Montérégie 10,545 91,810 595 10.2 89.2 0.6 102,950
Mauricie 205 15,865 0 1.3 98.7 0.0 16,070
Centre-du-Québec 255 17,100 0 1.5 98.5 0.0 17,365
Estrie 910 16,105 45 5.3 94.4 0.3 17,060
Québec 915 46,450 100 1.9 97.9 0.2 47,465
Chaudière-Appalaches 220 28,430 0 0.8 99.2 0.0 28,670
Bas-Saint-Laurent 65 12,215 0 0.5 99.5 0.0 12,280
400 22,670 0 1.7 98.3 0.0 23,070
570 7,220 0 7.3 92.6 0.0 7,795
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