Language Projections for Canada, 2011 to 2036
List of tables

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Table 1.1 Main assumptions of the base scenarios analyzed in the report

Table 1.2 Main assumptions of the 5 scenarios specifically developed for the language projections

Table 2.1 Total fertility rate according to mother tongue and first official language spoken, Canada, Quebec and Canada outside Quebec, 1996 to 2011

Table 2.2 Intergenerational language continuity index, Canada, Quebec and Canada outside Quebec, 1971 to 2011

Table 2.3 Proportion of the population who have made a language transfer, by mother tongue, Canada, Quebec, Canada outside Quebec, 1981 and 2011

Table 3.1 English-speaking and French-speaking population, by majority or minority status, Canada outside Quebec and Quebec, 1971 to 2011

Table 3.2 Population by mother tongue, by three projection scenarios, Canada, Quebec and Canada outside Quebec, 2011 and 2036

Table 3.3 Population by language spoken most often at home, by three projection scenarios, Canada, Quebec and Canada outside Quebec, 2011 and 2036

Table 3.4 Population by first official language spoken, by three projection scenarios, Canada, Quebec and Canada outside Quebec, 2011 and 2036

Table 3.5 Distribution of English, French and other language populations, by three linguistic characteristics and three projection scenarios, census metropolitan area of Montréal, 2011 and 2036

Table 3.6 Distribution of English, French and other language populations, by three linguistic characteristics and three projection scenarios, census metropolitan area of Ottawa–Gatineau, 2011 and 2036

Table 3.7 English, French and other language speaking population, by three linguistic characteristics and three projection scenarios, census metropolitan area of francophone Ontario, 2011 and 2036

Table 3.8 Percent of English, French and other language speaking population, by three linguistic characteristics and three projection scenarios, census metropolitan area of francophone Ontario, 2011 and 2036

Table 3.9 Population with English as first official language spoken, by different projection scenarios, provinces and territories, Canada outside Quebec and Canada, 2011 and 2036

Table 3.10 Population with French as first official language spoken, by different projection scenarios, provinces and territories, Canada outside Quebec and Canada, 2011 and 2036

Table 3.11 Simulation of the number and percentage of French-speaking immigrants (FOLS1) required to maintain the 2016 weight of the French-speaking population (according to the FOLS), for each year, provinces (excluding Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec), and Canada outside Quebec, 2017 to 2036

Table 4.1 Mean annual growth rate by first official language spoken, by three immigration projection scenarios, Canada outside Quebec and Quebec, 2011 to 2036

Table 4.2 Median age, by location of residence, first official language spoken and three projection scenarios, 2011 and 2036

Table 4.3 Total population and total growth of first official language groups, by generational status, three projection scenarios, Canada, Quebec and Canada outside Quebec, 2011 and 2036

Table 4.4 Projected number of language transfers by mother tongue and language of transfer, by three projection scenarios, Canada outside Quebec and Quebec, 2011 and 2036

Table 5.1 Population by knowledge of official languages, Canada, Quebec, Canada outside Quebec, 1971 to 2011

Table 5.2 Projection of the English-French bilingualism rate, by province and territories, three projection scenarios, 2011 and 2036

Table 5.3 Projection of English-French bilingualism rate in some regions with interlinguistic contacts, Quebec, Ontario and New Brunswick, three projection scenarios, 2011 and 2036

Table A.3.1 Population by mother tongue, provinces (excluding Quebec) and territories, by three projection scenarios, 2011 and 2036

Table A.3.2 Population by language spoken most often at home, by three projection scenarios, provinces (excluding Quebec) and territories, 2011 and 2036

Table A.3.3 Population by first official language spoken, by three projection scenarios, provinces (excluding Quebec) and territories, 2011 and 2036

Table A.3.4 Population with English mother tongue, by different projection scenarios, provinces and territories, Canada outside Quebec and Canada, 2011 and 2036

Table A.3.5 Population with French mother tongue, by different projection scenarios, provinces and territories, Canada outside Quebec and Canada, 2011 and 2036

Table A.3.6 Population with English as the language spoken most often at home, by different projection scenarios, provinces and territories, Canada outside Quebec and Canada, 2011 and 2036

Table A.3.7 Population with French as the language spoken most often at home, by different projection scenarios, provinces and territories, Canada outside Quebec and Canada, 2011 and 2036

Table A.5.1 Bilingual population (English and French), provinces and territories, three projection scenarios, 2011 and 2036

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