Table 9.6
Hours spent, in the past week, providing unpaid care or assistance to seniors in own household, by age group and sex, British Columbia, 2008

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Standard Symbols

Age group and hours spent Both sexes Male Female
('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Total all age groups 542 100.0 237 100.0 305 100.0
No hours spent 450 83.0 198 83.5 251 82.3
Less than 10 hours spent 37E 6.8E 22E 9.3E 15E 4.9E
10 hours or more spent 55E 10.1E 17E 7.2E 38E 12.5E
15 to 64 238 100.0 91E 100.0 147 100.0
No hours spent 182 76.5 65E 71.4 117 79.6
Less than 10 hours spent 24E 10.1E x x x x
10 hours or more spent 32E 13.4E x x x x
65 and over 303 100.0 146 100.0 158 100.0
No hours spent 267 88.1 133 91.1 134 84.8
Less than 10 hours spent 13E 4.3E x x x x
10 hours or more spent 23E 7.6E x x x x
The sum of the values for each category may differ to the total due to rounding. The question was asked of
respondents who had a person (other than the respondent) 65 years of age or over living in the household.
Source(s): Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2008.
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