Table 9.1
Hours spent, in the past week, providing unpaid care or assistance to seniors in own household, by age group and sex, Canada, 2008

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Age group and hours spent Both sexes Male Female
('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Total all age groups 3,661 100.0 1,609 100.0 2,052 100.0
No hours spent 3,017 82.4 1,344 83.5 1674 81.6
Less than 10 hours spent 283 7.7 144 8.9 139 6.8
10 hours or more spent 360 9.8 121 7.5 239 11.6
15 to 64 1,504 100.0 567 100.0 937 100.0
No hours spent 1,107 73.6 408 72.0 699 74.6
Less than 10 hours spent 189 12.6 101E 17.8 88 9.4
10 hours or more spent 208 13.8 58E 10.2E 150 16.0
65 and over 2,157 100.0 1042 100.0 1115 100.0
No hours spent 1,910 88.5 935 89.7 975 87.4
Less than 10 hours spent 94 4.4 43E 4.1E 52E 4.7E
10 hours or more spent 152 7.0 64 6.1 89 8.0
The sum of the values for each category may differ to the total due to rounding. The question was asked of
respondents who had a person (other than the respondent) 65 years of age or over living in the household.
Source(s): Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2008.
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