Table 4.6
Sense of belonging to Canada, province and local community, by age group and sex, British Columbia, 2008

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Age group Both sexes Male Female
('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Total all age groups 3,712 100.0 1,832 100.0 1,881 100.0
Sense of belonging to Canada
Very strong 2,331 62.8 1,125 61.4 1,206 64.1
Somewhat strong 1,136 30.6 585 31.9 551 29.3
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 211 5.7 100 5.5 110 5.8
Sense of belonging to province
Very strong 1,297 34.9 580 31.7 717 38.1
Somewhat strong 1,772 47.7 920 50.2 853 45.3
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 583 15.7 302 16.5 281 14.9
Sense of belonging to local community
Very strong 760 20.5 334 18.2 426 22.6
Somewhat strong 2,001 53.9 1,011 55.2 990 52.6
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 913 24.6 464 25.3 449 23.9
15 to 24 595 100.0 304 100.0 291 100.0
Sense of belonging to Canada
Very strong 274 46.1 x x x x
Somewhat strong 256 43.0 136 44.7 120 41.2
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 66E 11.1E x x x x
Sense of belonging to province
Very strong 153 25.7 60E 19.7E 93 32.0
Somewhat strong 273 45.9 147 48.4 126 43.3
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 164 27.6 97E 31.9E 67 23.0E
Sense of belonging to local community
Very strong 70E 11.8E x x x x
Somewhat strong 309 51.9 165 54.3 143 49.1
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 216 36.3 x x x x
25 to 54 1,959 100.0 973 100.0 986 100.0
Sense of belonging to Canada
Very strong 1,232 62.9 620 63.7 612 62.1
Somewhat strong 609 31.1 302 31.0 307 31.1
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 100 5.1 38E 3.9E 61E 6.2E
Sense of belonging to province
Very strong 666 34.0 314 32.3 352 35.7
Somewhat strong 962 49.1 497 51.1 465 47.2
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 299 15.3 144 14.8 155 15.7
Sense of belonging to local community
Very strong 396 20.2 174 17.9 223 22.6
Somewhat strong 1,067 54.5 547 56.2 520 52.7
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 477 24.3 240 24.7 237 24.0
55 and over 1,158 100.0 555 100.0 603 100.0
Sense of belonging to Canada
Very strong 826 71.3 x x x x
Somewhat strong 271 23.4 147 26.5 124 20.6
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 45 3.9 x x x x
Sense of belonging to province
Very strong 478 41.3 207 37.3 271 44.9
Somewhat strong 537 46.4 276 49.7 261 43.3
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 120 10.4 61 11.0 60 10.0
Sense of belonging to local community
Very strong 293 25.3 x x x x
Somewhat strong 625 54.0 299 53.9 326 54.1
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 219 18.9 x x x x
The sum of the values for each category will differ from the total due to rounding.
Values for "Don't know" and "Not stated" are included in the total but are not shown separately.
Source(s): Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2008.
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