Table 4.2
Sense of belonging to Canada, province and local community, by age group and sex, Atlantic provinces, 2008

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Standard Symbols

Age group Both sexes Male Female
('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Total all age groups 1,954 100.0 952 100.0 1,002 100.0
Sense of belonging to Canada
Very strong 1,238 63.4 598 62.8 641 64.0
Somewhat strong 574 29.4 276 29.0 298 29.7
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 113 5.8 64 6.7 49 4.9
Sense of belonging to province
Very strong 867 44.4 418 43.9 449 44.8
Somewhat strong 828 42.4 401 42.1 427 42.6
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 229 11.7 120 12.6 109 10.9
Sense of belonging to local community
Very strong 580 29.7 296 31.1 284 28.3
Somewhat strong 971 49.7 483 50.7 488 48.7
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 376 19.2 161 16.9 215 21.5
15 to 24 306 100.0 157 100.0 149 100.0
Sense of belonging to Canada
Very strong 168 54.9 x x x x
Somewhat strong 111 36.3 60 38.2 51 34.2
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 24E 7.8E x x x x
Sense of belonging to province
Very strong 94 30.7 50 31.8 44 29.5
Somewhat strong 159 52.0 78 49.7 81 54.4
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 50 16.3 28E 17.8E 21E 14.1E
Sense of belonging to local community
Very strong 64 20.9 x x x x
Somewhat strong 170 55.6 83 52.9 87 58.4
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 67 21.9 x x x x
25 to 54 1,003 100.0 493 100.0 511 100.0
Sense of belonging to Canada
Very strong 598 59.6 299 60.6 298 58.3
Somewhat strong 324 32.3 150 30.4 174 34.1
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 66 6.6 35E 7.1E 31 6.1
Sense of belonging to province
Very strong 411 41.0 207 42.0 203 39.7
Somewhat strong 447 44.6 213 43.2 234 45.8
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 131 13.1 64 13.0 66 12.9
Sense of belonging to local community
Very strong 253 25.2 130 26.4 123 24.1
Somewhat strong 514 51.2 262 53.1 251 49.1
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 223 22.2 93 18.9 130 25.4
55 and over 645 100.0 302 100.0 342 100.0
Sense of belonging to Canada
Very strong 473 73.3 x x x x
Somewhat strong 140 21.7 66 21.9 74 21.6
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 23 3.6 x x x x
Sense of belonging to province
Very strong 362 56.1 160 53.0 202 59.1
Somewhat strong 222 34.4 110 36.4 113 33.0
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 49 7.6 27 8.9 22 6.4
Sense of belonging to local community
Very strong 262 40.6 x x x x
Somewhat strong 288 44.7 137 45.4 150 43.9
Somewhat weak, very weak or no opinion 86 13.3 x x x x
The sum of the values for each category will differ from the total due to rounding.
Values for "Don't know" and "Not stated" are included in the total but are not shown separately.
Source(s): Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2008.
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