Table 10.5
Hours spent, in the past week, providing unpaid care or assistance to seniors outside the household, by age group and sex, Prairie provinces, 2008

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Age group and hours spent Both sexes Male Female
('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Total all age groups 4,540 100.0 2,278 100.0 2,262 100.0
No hours spent 3,959 87.2 1,997 87.7 1,962 86.7
Less than 5 hours spent 404 8.9 208 9.1 197 8.7
5 hours or more spent 176 3.9 73 3.2 103 4.6
15 to 44 2,477 100.0 1,273 100.0 1,204 100.0
No hours spent 2,239 90.4 1,147 90.1 1,092 90.7
Less than 5 hours spent 183 7.4 103 8.1 80 6.6
5 hours or more spent 55E 2.2E 22E 1.7E 33E 2.7E
45 to 64 1,437 100.0 723 100.0 714 100.0
No hours spent 1,173 81.6 609 84.2 563 78.9
Less than 5 hours spent 173 12.0 76 10.5 97 13.6
5 hours or more spent 91 6.3 37E 5.1E 54 7.6
65 and over 626 100.0 283 100.0 344 100.0
No hours spent 548 87.5 241 85.2 307 89.2
Less than 5 hours spent 49 7.8 29E 10.2E 20E 5.8E
5 hours or more spent 29E 4.6E 13E 4.6E 16E 4.7E
The sum of the values for each category will differ from the total due to rounding.
Source(s): Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2008.
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