Table 1-2
Self rated health status, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex and age group, Inuit Nunaat, 2006

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Age and sex Total Excellent or very good Good Fair or poor Not stated
count % % 95%
% 95%
% 95%
% 95%
from to from to from to from to
Both sexes 25,120 100 47 45.8 49.0 35 33.9 36.8 16 15.0 17.6 1 0.6 1.0
15 to 24 8,640 100 53 50.2 55.6 36 33.6 38.9 9 7.7 11.3 1E 0.9 1.9
25 to 34 5,410 100 51 47.8 54.8 35 31.6 38.1 13 11.3 15.9 x x x
35 to 44 4,820 100 47 43.1 50.7 36 32.8 39.9 16 13.0 19.5 x x x
45 to 54 3,000 100 43 38.7 47.7 35 31.1 39.6 21 17.0 25.2 x x x
55 to 64 1,870 100 36 30.7 42.0 32 26.9 37.2 31 25.6 36.9 x x x
65 and over 1,380 100 24 19.2 29.0 33 27.9 39.5 42 35.4 48.8 x x x
Male 12,600 100 50 48.0 52.7 33 31.0 35.4 16 13.8 17.4 1E 0.5 1.1
15 to 24 4,390 100 56 51.5 59.6 33 29.0 37.0 10 7.9 12.1 2E 0.9 2.5
25 to 34 2,690 100 53 47.8 58.4 35 30.2 40.1 12 8.8 15.1 x x x
35 to 44 2,300 100 51 46.0 56.6 34 29.5 39.4 14 10.5 18.4 x x x
45 to 54 1,490 100 44 37.7 50.5 33 27.3 38.5 23 16.8 29.7 x x x
55 to 64 1,000 100 43 34.7 52.3 28 21.4 34.4 29 20.5 38.3 x x x
65 and over 720 100 28 20.9 35.2 33 26.0 42.5 38 28.0 47.7 x x x
Female 12,520 100 44 42.3 46.6 38 35.5 39.5 17 15.3 19.0 1E 0.5 1.2
15 to 24 4,250 100 50 46.4 53.8 40 36.3 43.1 9E 6.4 12.3 x x x
25 to 34 2,710 100 49 44.7 54.2 35 30.4 39.1 15 12.2 19.1 x x x
35 to 44 2,510 100 43 37.6 48.4 38 33.3 43.2 18 13.4 23.5 x x x
45 to 54 1,520 100 42 36.3 48.8 38 31.9 43.9 19 14.6 24.5 x x x
55 to 64 870 100 28 21.8 34.8 37 29.7 44.8 33 27.3 40.8 x x x
65 and over 660 100 20E 13.9 26.9 33 25.4 42.0 47 38.1 56.2 x x x
Percents may not add up to 100% because responses of 'don't know', 'refusal' and 'not stated' were included in the calculation of all estimates and rounding.
'Not stated' includes 'not stated', 'don't know' and 'refusal'.
Four regions comprise Inuit Nunaat which means "Inuit homeland" in the Inuit language. These four regions are: Nunatsiavut in northern Labrador, Nunavik in northern Quebec, the territory of Nunavut, and the Inuvialuit region in the Northwest Territories.
Source: Statistics Canada, Aboriginal Peoples Survey, 2006