Chart 4.2
Contact with a medical doctor in the past 12 months, Inuit and total Canadian population by age group, 2005/2006
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This vertical bar chart illustrates, by age, the percentage of Inuit who had contact with a medical doctor in the previous year. As well, the chart shows the same statistics for the total Canadian population
The X axis is divided into five sections, each representing a specific age group. The age groups are:
Fifteen to nineteen
Twenty to thirty-four
Thirty-five to forty-four
Forty-Five to sixty-four
Sixty-five and over
Each section is composed of two vertical bars:
The first bar represents the Inuit population
The second bar represents the total Canadian population
The Y axis is measured in percentage and increases in increments of ten from zero to one hundred
47% of the Inuit population aged fifteen to nineteen had contact with a medical doctor in the previous year
The percentage for the total Canadian population aged fifteen to nineteen was 73%
52% of the Inuit population aged twenty to thirty-four had contact with a medical doctor in the previous year
The percentage for the total Canadian population aged twenty to thirty-four was 77%
58% of the Inuit population aged thirty-five to forty-four had contact with a medical doctor in the previous year
The percentage for the total Canadian population aged thirty-five to forty-four was 78%
64% of the Inuit population aged forty-five to sixty-four had contact with a medical doctor in the previous year
The percentage for the total Canadian population aged forty-five to sixty-four was 84%
78% of the Inuit population aged sixty-five and over had contact with a medical doctor in the previous year
The percentage for the total Canadian population aged sixty-five and over was 89%
Sources: Statistics Canada, Aboriginal Peoples Survey, 2006 and Canadian Community Health Survey, 2005
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