Table 2.2
Feelings about home and daily life, parents or guardians of North American Indian children under six years old, living off reserve, Canada, provinces and territories, 2006

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Characteristics Total Very satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Not stated
Count % % 95%
% 95%
% 95%
% 95%
% 95%
from to from to from to from to from to
How would you rate your feelings about:
your housing conditions? 53,470 100 35 33.6 36.6 47 45.6 48.7 11 10.1 12.0 5 4.0 5.3 2 1.5 2.4
your support network, support from family, friends or others? 53,470 100 46 44.6 47.7 44 42.5 45.6 6 5.6 7.1 2 1.2 1.9 2 1.4 2.3
your main job or activity? 53,470 100 40 38.6 41.7 51 48.8 52.1 6 5.2 6.7 1E 0.6 1.2 2 1.9 2.9
the way you spend your free time? 53,470 100 28 26.8 29.6 58 56.7 59.9 9 8.4 10.3 1 0.8 1.5 3 2.4 3.4
your finances? 53,470 100 14 13.1 15.4 56 54.2 57.4 22 20.3 22.9 6 5.3 6.8 2 1.7 2.6
Atlantic region
How would you rate your feelings about:
your housing conditions? 2,800 100 40 33.5 46.2 48 41.1 53.8 8E 5.4 11.6 3E 1.6 5.9 x x x
your support network, support from family, friends or others? 2,800 100 51 44.7 57.0 42 36.0 48.4 4E 2.0 7.1 x x x x x x
your main job or activity? 2,800 100 44 37.7 50.0 48 42.1 54.6 5E 3.2 9.0 x x x x x x
the way you spend your free time? 2,800 100 30 24.8 36.7 56 49.5 62.0 9E 5.6 13.3 x x x x x x
your finances? 2,800 100 18 13.8 22.7 56 49.7 62.1 19 14.9 24.7 5E 2.8 8.7 x x x
How would you rate your feelings about:
your housing conditions? 3,310 100 52 44.6 59.2 33 26.1 40.3 10E 6.2 14.7 F 2.1 9.0 x x x
your support network, support from family, friends or others? 3,310 100 45 38.0 52.5 47 40.2 54.9 F 2.0 7.9 x x x x x x
your main job or activity? 3,310 100 44 37.1 51.6 44 37.4 51.8 7E 4.2 12.3 x x x x x x
the way you spend your free time? 3,310 100 28 21.9 34.8 60 52.4 66.3 10E 6.4 15.6 x x x x x x
your finances? 3,310 100 17 12.3 22.8 59 51.5 65.4 20 14.9 26.7 x x x x x x
How would you rate your feelings about:
your housing conditions? 14,060 100 42 38.6 45.3 46 42.6 49.6 6 4.8 8.1 4E 2.7 5.5 2E 0.9 3.0
your support network, support from family, friends or others? 14,060 100 53 49.3 56.1 38 34.4 41.0 7 5.4 8.9 1E 0.6 2.2 F 0.6 2.6
your main job or activity? 14,060 100 43 39.4 46.2 47 43.5 50.6 6 4.8 8.3 1E 0.8 2.3 2E 1.3 3.6
the way you spend your free time? 14,060 100 32 29.1 35.6 56 52.6 59.6 9 7.0 11.0 1E 0.5 2.0 2E 0.8 2.9
your finances? 14,060 100 17 14.9 20.2 55 50.9 58.0 20 17.0 22.5 7 5.1 8.9 2E 0.8 2.8
How would you rate your feelings about:
your housing conditions? 7,080 100 24 20.9 27.4 50 46.3 54.2 17 13.8 20.7 7 5.1 9.5 2E 0.9 2.8
your support network, support from family, friends or others? 7,080 100 39 34.8 42.6 49 45.0 53.0 8 5.9 10.7 2E 1.4 4.0 2E 1.0 3.0
your main job or activity? 7,080 100 36 31.7 39.4 55 51.1 59.1 6E 3.8 7.6 F 0.7 3.7 2E 1.2 3.4
the way you spend your free time? 7,080 100 22 18.7 24.6 65 60.7 67.9 10 7.3 12.0 F 0.6 3.0 3E 2.0 4.6
your finances? 7,080 100 11 8.8 13.4 54 49.7 57.9 27 23.3 30.6 6E 4.4 9.1 2E 1.2 3.2
How would you rate your feelings about:
your housing conditions? 6,790 100 24 20.8 27.8 53 48.6 56.7 16 12.7 18.6 5E 3.1 7.0 3E 1.7 5.0
your support network, support from family, friends or others? 6,790 100 42 37.4 45.6 51 46.5 54.8 4E 2.8 5.7 x x x 3E 1.4 4.3
your main job or activity? 6,790 100 38 34.7 42.2 54 49.6 57.3 5E 3.2 6.8 x x x 3E 1.6 4.5
the way you spend your free time? 6,790 100 24 20.9 27.5 62 58.2 66.0 10 7.6 12.2 x x x 4E 2.1 5.5
your finances? 6,790 100 10 8.1 12.9 58 53.3 61.6 24 20.2 27.4 6E 4.1 8.0 3E 1.6 4.4
How would you rate your feelings about:
your housing conditions? 8,170 100 37 33.6 40.9 43 39.3 46.7 11 8.2 13.4 7 4.9 9.3 2E 1.3 3.9
your support network, support from family, friends or others? 8,170 100 46 42.5 50.3 44 39.6 47.4 6E 4.2 8.1 2E 1.1 3.4 2E 1.2 3.7
your main job or activity? 8,170 100 41 37.2 44.7 52 48.2 55.8 4E 2.7 6.0 x x x 2E 1.4 4.2
the way you spend your free time? 8,170 100 30 26.7 33.8 56 52.4 60.0 10 7.4 12.0 x x x 3E 2.2 5.3
your finances? 8,170 100 18 15.0 20.6 57 52.7 60.3 18 15.3 21.5 5E 3.4 7.0 2E 1.4 4.2
British Columbia
How would you rate your feelings about:
your housing conditions? 9,340 100 36 32.9 39.5 50 46.4 53.3 11 8.3 13.0 2E 0.8 2.6 2E 1.1 3.2
your support network, support from family, friends or others? 9,340 100 47 43.1 49.9 43 39.3 46.1 8 5.8 9.6 1E 0.7 2.2 2E 1.1 3.1
your main job or activity? 9,340 100 41 36.9 44.0 49 45.7 52.9 8 5.8 9.5 x x x 2E 1.3 3.4
the way you spend your free time? 9,340 100 30 26.5 32.8 55 51.5 58.7 10 7.4 11.9 2E 1.0 3.2 4E 2.6 5.5
your finances? 9,340 100 12 9.8 14.2 55 51.5 58.7 23 19.8 26.2 8 5.8 9.8 3E 1.5 3.8
How would you rate your feelings about:
your housing conditions? 1,920 100 16 12.5 18.7 53 48.3 56.1 20 17.3 23.1 10 8.3 11.9 2E 1.4 3.4
your support network, support from family, friends or others? 1,920 100 34 30.8 38.3 54 50.3 58.1 7 4.9 8.9 3E 1.2 4.3 2E 1.5 3.2
your main job or activity? 1,920 100 28 24.3 31.4 60 55.9 63.9 7 5.4 9.7 x x x 4E 2.4 6.4
the way you spend your free time? 1,920 100 21 17.8 24.0 64 60.3 67.7 10 8.1 12.5 x x x 4E 2.2 5.9
your finances? 1,920 100 5E 3.5 7.3 62 57.8 65.8 23 19.8 27.1 6E 4.2 8.5 4E 2.1 5.9

Notes :
Percents may not add up to 100 because responses of 'don't know', 'refusal' and 'not stated' were included in the calculation of all estimates and rounding.
Children were identified as 'North American Indian'; however in the ACS analytical article the term "First Nations children" is used throughout the report.
Not stated' includes 'not stated', 'don't know' and 'refusal'.
Source: Statistics Canada, Aboriginal Children's Survey, 2006