Table 2.11-1
Adults and children with and without disabilities by sex and age groups, British Columbia, 2006

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Age groups Total population
Total1 Males Females
Total - all ages 3,995,600 1,958,240 2,037,360
Total - aged less than 15 years 663,190 340,380 322,810
0 to 4 197,200 100,670 96,540
5 to 14 465,980 239,710 226,270
Total - aged 15 years and over 3,332,410 1,617,860 1,714,550
15 to 64 2,771,290 1,359,640 1,411,650
15 to 24 526,740 269,830 256,910
25 to 44 1,101,210 532,180 569,030
45 to 64 1,143,340 557,630 585,710
65 and over 561,120 258,220 302,900
65 to 74 303,600 148,130 155,470
75 and over 257,510 110,080 147,430
Age groups Persons with disabilities
Total1 Males Females
Total - all ages 638,640 290,170 348,460
Total - aged less than 15 years 26,520 16,530 9,980
0 to 4 3,980 2,140 1,840E
5 to 14 22,540 14,400 8,140
Total - aged 15 years and over 612,120 273,640 338,480
15 to 64 355,430 160,000 195,430
15 to 24 30,080 14,360 15,720
25 to 44 100,430 43,510 56,920
45 to 64 224,920 102,130 122,790
65 and over 256,690 113,640 143,050
65 to 74 108,650 50,270 58,380
75 and over 148,040 63,370 84,670
Age groups Persons without disabilities
Total1 Males Females
Total - all ages 3,356,960 1,668,070 1,688,900
Total - aged less than 15 years 636,670 323,850 312,820
0 to 4 193,230 98,530 94,700
5 to 14 443,440 225,310 218,130
Total - aged 15 years and over 2,720,290 1,344,220 1,376,070
15 to 64 2,415,860 1,199,650 1,216,220
15 to 24 496,660 255,470 241,190
25 to 44 1,000,780 488,670 512,110
45 to 64 918,420 455,500 462,920
65 and over 304,430 144,570 159,850
65 to 74 194,950 97,860 97,090
75 and over 109,470 46,710 62,760
1. The sum of the values for each category may differ from the total due to rounding.
Source: Statistics Canada, Participation and Activitiy Limitation Survey, 2006.