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IALS search tool

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International Adult Literacy Survey database

This interactive data tool permits users to retrieve prose, document and quantitative literacy data for each of the countries listed in the table below and for a wide range of combined intermediate variables (adult education, community activities, demographics, educational experience, household information, labour force experience, language background, mathematics, parental information, reading at home or at work, self-reported skills, training and writing at home or at work).

The IALS interactive data tool has been developed to simplify access to the IALS database with a few clicks of the mouse. Users can produce estimates of mean performance, and percentages of each proficiency level for each of the three IALS literacy scales by any combination of background variables. Each estimate is accompanied by the appropriate measures of statistical reliability. Users may also choose to tabulate a composite index that combines results of the three scales.

IALS search tool

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Date Modified: 2008-01-31 Important Notices