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The Follow-up to the Survey of Advanced Technology was a project of the former Science, Innovation, and Electronic Information Division of Statistics Canada as part of a program to measure innovation in Canadian businesses.
Cognitive testing of the questionnaire was completed by Statistics Canada's Questionnaire Design Resource Centre led by Marie-Noëlle Parent under the direction of Paul Kelly.
The questionnaire mail-out, data collection and capture were carried out in the Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division, under the direction of Eric Turgeon. The data capture system was designed by Guy Barrette. Mirette Joly, Mary-Ann Clarke-Wilkinson, Adele St. Pierre and Robert Trudeau captured data.
Eric Pelletier of Business Survey Methods Division provided advice on survey methodology and presentation of estimates.
The production unit in the former Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division under the direction of Francois Mainville provided reliability indicators for some estimates and provided estimate verification.
Special thanks go to Fred Gault, former director of the former Science Innovation and Electronic Information Division, who was instrumental in bringing the survey to fruition thereby providing the opportunity to carry out this work. Eric von Hippel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management is thanked for sharing his expertise and enthusiasm and, along with Jeroen de Jong of EIM Business and Policy Research and Rotterdam School of Management and Marcel Bogers of the University of Southern Denmark who shared their work, provided comments on the questionnaire design and survey results.
Frances Anderson of the former Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division is thanked for her positive direction, encouragement and suggestions. Additional thanks are extended to, Paula Thomson, George Sciadas, and Iddi Alhassan for their comments and suggestions.
Finally, the authors would also like to thank the 1,219 manufacturing establishments that completed the questionnaire. Without their goodwill, this working paper and related work would not be possible.
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