Appendix II: Bibliography

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Andersen, Bridgette and J. Howells. 2000. Intellectual property rights shaping innovation in services. In Knowledge and Innovation in the New Service Economy, edited by B. Andersen, J. Howells, R. Hull, I. Miles and J. Roberts. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Baldwin, John R., Guy Gellatly, Joanne Johnson, and Valerie Peters. 1998. Innovation in Dynamic Service Industries: Statistics Canada. Catalogue No. 88-516-XPB.

Barras, R. 1986. Toward a theory of innovation in services. Research Policy 15:161-173.

Barras, R. 1990. Interactive innovation in financial and business services: The vanguard of the service revolution. Research Policy 19 (215-237).

Blind , K., J. Edler, U. Schmoch, B. Anderson, J. Howells, I. Miles, J. Roberts, C. Greenhalgh, Rinaldo Evangelista, and C. Hipp. 2003. Patents in the Service Industries. Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research. Final Report. EC Contract No. ERBHPV2-CT-1999-06.

Bryson, J.R., and C. Monnoyer. 2004. Understanding the Relationship between Innovation and Services: The RESER Review of the European Service Innovation Literature, 2002. The Service Industries Journal 24 (1):205-222.

Cohen, W.M., R.R. Nelson, and J. Walsh. 2000. Protecting their intellectual assets: Appropriability Conditions and why U.S. Manufacturing Firms Patent (or not): NBER Working Paper Series (7552). Cambridge, MA.

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Evangelista, Rinaldo. 2000. Sectoral Patterns of Technological Change in Services. Economics of Innovation and New Technology 9:183-221.

Gallouj, F. 2002. Innovation in the Service Economy: The New Wealth of Nations. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Gallouj, F., and O. Weinstein. 1997. Innovation in services. Research Policy 26:537-556.

Hipp, Christianne, and Hariolf Grupp. 2005. Innovation in the service sector: The demand for service-specific innovation measurement concepts and typologies. Research Policy 34:517-535.

Howells, J. 2000. Innovation & Services: New Conceptual Frameworks. Manchester, UK: CRIC Discussion Paper No. 38, CRIC, University of Manchester and UMIST.

Howells, J. 2001. The Nature of Innovation in Services. In Innovation and Productivity in Services, edited by OECD. Paris, France: OECD.

Howells, J. 2006. Where to From Here for Services Innovation?, at Paper presented at the Knowledge Intensive Services Activities (KISA) Conference, Sydney, 22 March 2006.

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Miles, I. 1994. Innovation in services. In Handbook of Industrial Innovations, edited by M. Dodgson and R. Rothwell. Aldershot and Brookfield: Edward Elgar.

Miles, I. 2001. Services Innovation: A Reconfiguration of Innovation Studies: PREST Discussion Paper 01-05, Manchester, UK.

Miozzo, M., and L Soete. 2001. Internationalisation of services: A technological perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 67 (2-3):159-185.

OECD. 2005. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard, 2005. Paris.

OECD/EUROSTAT. 1997. Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation Data (Oslo Manual). Paris.

Pavitt, K., M. Robson, and J. Townsend. 1989. Technological accumulation, diversification and organisation in UK companies, 1945-1983. Management Science 35 (1):81-99.

Pavitt, Keith. 1984. Sectoral patterns of technological change. Research Policy 13:343-373.

Porter, M.E. 1996. What is Strategy? Harvard Business Review:61-78.

Prahalad, C.K., and G. Hamel. 1990. The Core Competence of the Corporation. Harvard Business Review 68 (3):79-91.

Rumelt, R. 1984. Towards a strategic theory of the firm. In Competitive Strategic Management, edited by R. Lamb. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Sirilli, G., and R. Evangelista. 1998. Technological innovation in services and manufacturing: results from Italian surveys. Research Policy 13 (141-151).

Soete, L, and M. Miozzo. 1989. Trade and development in services: a technological perspective. MERIT 89-031, Maastricht.

Sundbo, J. 1998. The Organization of Innovation in Services. Roskilde: Roskilde University Press.

Sundbo, J., and F. Gallouj. 2000. Innovation as a Loosely Coupled System in Services. International Journal of Services Technology and Management 1:15-36.

Teece, D.J. 1986. Profiting from technological innovation: Implications for integration collaboration, licensing and public policy. Research Policy 15:285-305.

Tether, B.S., I. Miles, K. Blind, C. Hipp, N. de Liso, and G. Cainelli. 2002. Innovation in the Service Sector: Analysis of Data Collected Under the Community Innovation Survey (CIS2). Manchester: CRIC Working Paper #11, University of Manchester & UMIST.

Tether, Bruce S. 2003. The Sources and Aims of Innovation in Services: Variety Between and Within Sectors. Economics of Innovation and New Technology 12 (6):481-505.

Venkatraman, N. 1989. The Concept of Strategic Fit in Strategy Research: Toward Verbal and Statistical Correspondence. Academy of Management Review 14 (3):423-444.

Winter, S.G. 1987. Knowledge and Competence as Strategic Assets. In The Competitive Challenge: Strategies for Industrial Innovation and Renewal, edited by D. J. Teece. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger.

Zajac, E. J., M.S. Kraatz, and R.K. and Bresser. 2000. Modeling the Dynamics of Strategic Fit: A normative Approach to Strategic Change. Strategic Management Journal 21:429-453.