Table 20Percentage of innovative exporters using formal and informal intellectual property regimes, by industry group and novelty of most innovative product

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Percentage of innovative exporters using formal and informal intellectual property regimes, by industry group and novelty of most innovative product
  Innovative exporters
Formal intellectual property regime Informal intellectual property regime
Information and communication technologies  
Indicating high degree of novelty of most innovative product 61.5 E , * 31.5 E
Indicating high degree of novelty of most innovative process 23.6 E 23.2 E
Selected professional, scientific and technical services  
Indicating high degree of novelty of most innovative product 54.2 E , * 26.9 E
Indicating high degree of novelty of most innovative process 46.7 E 29.1 E
Significantly different at the 95% confidence level if (p.>.05).
Statistics Canada, Survey of Innovation 2003.