Statistics Canada
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Table 6-8
Provincial Gross Domestic Expenditures on Research and Development, in the total sciences — Saskatchewan

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Funding sector Performing sector
Federal government Provincial governments Provincial research organizations Business enterprise Higher education Total
  millions of dollars
2006 Total sciences  
Total 67 4 12 167 215 465
Federal government 66 . 1 3 53 122
Provincial governments . 4 4 1 29 38
Provincial research organizations . . .. . . ..
Business enterprise 1 . 6 152 8 168
Higher education . . . . 113 113
Private non-profit organizations . . . . 12 12
Foreign . . s 10 1 11
2005 r Total sciences  
Total 68 4 11 152 218 453
Federal government 67 . 1 4 54 126
Provincial governments . 4 4 2 20 30
Provincial research organizations . . 0 . . 0
Business enterprise 1 . 6 133 13 153
Higher education . . . . 116 116
Private non-profit organizations . . . . 14 14
Foreign . . s 13 0 13
2004 r Total sciences  
Total 54 4 9 113 245 425
Federal government 53 . 1 5 65 123
Provincial governments . 4 3 2 27 36
Provincial research organizations . . 0 . . 0
Business enterprise 1 . 5 99 18 123
Higher education . . . . 122 122
Private non-profit organizations . . . . 12 12
Foreign . . s 7 0 7
2003 r Total sciences  
Total 54 4 7 88 245 398
Federal government 53 . 1 3 64 121
Provincial governments . 4 3 2 30 39
Provincial research organizations . . s . . 0 s
Business enterprise 1 . 3 76 18 98
Higher education . . . . 121 121
Private non-profit organizations . . . . 12 12
Foreign . . s 7 1 8
2002 r Total sciences  
Total 53 4 7 112 259 435
Federal government 52 . s 4 57 113
Provincial governments . 4 3 4 36 46
Provincial research organizations . . s . . 0 s
Business enterprise 1 . 4 96 16 117
Higher education . . . . 129 129
Private non-profit organizations . . . . 21 21
Foreign . . s 8 0 8
Components may not add to totals due to rounding. Commencing with reference year 2000 the data for the private non-profit sector performing research and development are not distributed by provinces, territories or the National Capital Region.