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Table 5-6
Total intramural research and development expenditures — By expenditures size

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By expenditures size
  2002 r 2003 r 2004 r 2005 r 2006 p
  millions of dollars
Total 13,540 14,123 15,299 15,791 16,137
Less than $50,000 116 134 155 167 176
$50,000 to 99,999 200 241 283 306 324
$100,000 to 199,999 351 421 481 514 527
$200,000 to 399,999 459 580 654 670 714
$400,000 to 999,999 786 863 957 997 1,057
$1,000,000 or greater 11,627 11,884 12,769 13,137 13,339
Research and development program size is based on current intramural expenditures.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.