Statistics Canada
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Table 5-3
Total intramural research and development expenditures — By province, by industry, 2006

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By province, by industry, 2006
  Atlantic Canada Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-
Alberta British Columbia 1 Total
  millions of dollars
Total 320 4,598 8,033 184 167 1,236 1,600 16,137
Agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting x 44 41 x x x 17 115
Agriculture x 33 40 x x x 7 91
Forestry and logging s 11 x 0 0 x 7 20 E
Fishing, hunting and trapping x s x 0 0 x 3 4
Mining and oil and gas extraction x x 13 x x 440 49 578
Oil and gas extraction 0 x x x x x x 515
Mining x x x x x x x 63
Utilities x x 24 x x x x 318
Electric power x x x x x x x 301
Other utilities x 5 x 0 x x 2 17
Construction x 29 30 x x x x 69
Manufacturing 177 2,459 4,941 113 48 305 520 8,563
Food 10 54 62 x x 2 8 141
Beverage and tobacco x 8 8 0 0 0 x 17
Textile x 33 19 s x x x x
Wood products x 48 10 x x 13 40 122
Paper 7 195 86 x x x 73 374
Printing 0 22 15 x 0 x 1 x
Petroleum and coal products x 2 x x x 124 x 202
Pharmaceutical and medicine 20 429 536 x x 23 35 1,077
Other chemicals 3 35 119 x x 17 4 188
Plastic products x 34 86 4 x 3 7 135
Rubber products x 6 25 x 0 x 0 x
Non-metallic mineral products 2 18 45 x 0 1 x 75
Primary metal (ferrous) 0 x 19 x x x s x
Primary metal (non-ferrous) x 141 63 x 0 x x 272
Fabricated metal products 6 71 137 6 2 9 7 238
Machinery 5 147 367 11 13 18 30 592
Computer and peripheral equipment x x 57 x 0 x x 141
Communications equipment x 111 1,302 s x x 25 1,506
Semiconductor and other electronic components x 68 653 1 x 5 x 826
Navigational, measuring, medical and control instruments 4 144 244 9 1 11 28 441
Other computer and electronic products x 6 x 0 0 x 4 x
Electrical equipment, appliance and components 3 42 73 x x 3 37 160
Motor vehicle and parts 1 33 556 x x 1 3 608
Aerospace products and parts x 649 296 x 0 x 1 x
All other transportation equipment 2 35 23 1 0 s 2 63
Furniture and related products s 15 19 s x x 1 x
Other manufacturing industries x 91 85 1 1 x 18 216
Services 126 1,921 2,983 66 37 355 1,006 6,494
Wholesale trade 13 237 401 14 10 45 92 814
Retail trade x 14 22 2 x 1 4 x
Transportation and warehousing x 31 8 x x x x x
Information and cultural industries 41 315 870 3 2 43 395 1,669
Finance, insurance, and real estate x 79 316 11 x 10 x 428
Architectural, engineering and related services 7 196 110 3 11 50 40 418
Computer system design and related services 29 291 662 8 4 83 102 1,179
Management, scientific and technical consulting 1 12 23 x x 8 10 56
Scientific research and development services 21 377 440 19 2 41 253 1,152
Health care and social assistance s 275 22 x x x 78 378
All other services 9 93 108 4 2 57 20 293
Includes Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.