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Read about recent releases, updates and new activities in the areas of information and communications technology, and science and technology.

Information and communications technology
Science and Technology activities

Information and communications technology

Information society

The study, ‘How Canadians’ Use of the Internet Affects Social Life and Civic Participation’ (Connectedness Series, Catalogue no. 56F0004M, no. 16), was released on December 4, 2008.

The Public Use Microdata File (PUMF) for the 2007 Canadian Internet Use Survey (CIUS) was released on December 23, 2008.

Two sessions were organized for the 2009 Statistics Canada Socio-economic conference, held May 4 and 5 in Gatineau. The analytical work uses data from the Canadian Internet Use Survey (CIUS) and the Survey of Electronic Commerce (SECT), as well as other related data sources:

Hallmarks of a Knowledge Economy: Internet Use and Impacts—Session 1

Broadband-ICT-Use-Productivity Project
Hans-Olof Hagén, Statistics Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden;

Internet Shopping in Canada: Trends and Patterns
Larry McKeown, Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division, Statistics Canada and Josie Brocca, Industry Canada;

La mise en oeuvre des processus d'affaires électroniques au Canada
Sylvain Ouellet, Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division, Statistics Canada and Trever Bova, Transportation Division, Statistics Canada.

Hallmarks of a Knowledge Economy: Internet Use and Impacts—Session 2

Intensity of Internet Use in Canada: Understanding Different Types of Users
Catherine Middleton, Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management, Ryerson University; Jordan Leith, Communication and Culture Graduate Program, Ryerson University and York University; and Ben Veenhof, Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division, Statistics Canada;

Matters of Internet Privacy and Security
Cathy Underhill, Income Statistics Division, Statistics Canada and Cathy Ladds, Treasury Board of Canada;

Online Activities of Canadian Seniors of Today and Tomorrow
Ben Veenhof and Peter Timusk, Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division, Statistics Canada.

The 2009 Canadian Internet Use Survey will be in the field in the fall of 2009.


Annual Survey of Telecommunications Service Providers

The 2008 cycle of the Annual Survey of Telecommunications conducted jointly with the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) is ongoing. Selected results will be released by the CRTC in their Communications Monitoring Report 2009 ( in late July. Summary results will be published by Statistics Canada at a later date.

Quarterly Survey of Telecommunications Service Providers

The processing and analysis of the 2007, 2008 and 2009 data from the redesigned survey are ongoing. The first release is planned for 2009.


Annual surveys of the radio, television and cable industries

The 2007 statistics for the program distribution industry were released on December 8, 2008 in The Daily and in Cable and Satellite Television Industry, 2007 (56-209-XWE, free).

The collection and processing of 2008 data for the radio, television and program distribution industries are ongoing. Statistics for these industries will be released between July and November 2009.

Science and Technology activities

Research and development in Canada

Gross Domestic Expenditures on Research and Development, in Canada and the Provinces (otherwise known as the GERD matrix) is available through the electronic publication Catalogue no. 88-221-X released on December 10, 2008.

Research and development (R&D) data for the GERD matrix are available through CANSIM nationally and by province for each of the following science types: for natural sciences and engineering (NSE), social sciences and humanities (SSH), and the total for NSE and SSH. See CANSIM Table 358-0001.

Industrial research and development

The publication Industrial Research and Development: Intentions, Catalogue no. 88-202, is the final component of the GERD matrix to migrate to an HTML format.  It will be available under Catalogue no. 88-202-X.

Also of note, the Canada Revenue Agency application form for Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credits has undergone significant changes.  This revision may impact the scope of the data available for industrial R&D and may lead to corresponding revisions to the paper questionnaire. In turn, this may lead to changes in future data availability. For more information on the new SR&ED tax form, please visit

The service bulletin ‘Industrial Research and Development, 2004 to 2008’ (Catalogue no. 88-001-X, Vol. 32, no.5) was released on September 5, 2008.

Federal science expenditures

The service bulletin ‘Federal Government Expenditures on Scientific Activities, 2008/2009 (Intentions)’ (Catalogue no. 88-001-X, Vol. 32, no. 7) was released on November 20, 2008.

The service bulletin ‘Biotechnology Scientific Activities in Federal Government Departments and Agencies, 2007/2008’ (Catalogue no. 88-001-X, Vol. 33, no. 1) was released on March 4, 2009.

Provincial governments and provincial research organizations

Coverage for this component of the GERD matrix has been expanded through the participation of Newfoundland and Labrador (2006), Prince Edward Island (2007), New Brunswick (2007) and Saskatchewan (2007) in the Provincial Government Scientific Activities in the Natural Sciences and Engineering and Social Sciences and Humanities Survey.

The service bulletin ‘Scientific and Technological Activities of Provincial Governments and Provincial Research Organizations, 2002/2003 to 2006/2007’ (Catalogue no. 88-001-X, Vol. 32, no. 6) was released on October 17, 2008.

Higher education sector research and development

The service bulletin ‘Estimates of Research and Development Expenditures in the Higher Education Sector, 2006/2007’ (Catalogue no. 88-001-X, Vol. 32, no.4) was released on August 14, 2008.

Research and development in the health field

The service bulletin ‘Estimates of Total Spending on Research and Development in the Health Field in Canada, 1997 to 2008’ (Catalogue no. 88-001-X, Vol. 33, no.2) was released on March 25, 2009.

Small research and development performers

The 2008 Survey on Small Research and Development Performers is now complete. Preliminary results were released on April 3, 2009.

Human resources and intellectual property

Human resources

No updates to report.

Federal science expenditures and personnel, intellectual property management annex

No updates to report.

Intellectual property commercialization in the higher education sector

The publication Survey of Intellectual Property Commercialization in the Higher Education Sector, 2006 and 2005, 2008, Catalogue no. 88-222-X, was released on October 24, 2008.


Innovation in manufacturing

Analysis of Survey of Innovation 2005 microdata by external facilitated access researchers continues. The OECD sponsored project to study the relationship between innovation and productivity in selected OECD countries has been completed, using results of the Survey of Innovation 2005 linked to the 2002 and 2004 Annual Survey of Manufactures and Logging.  Results will be published through the OECD.
A working paper containing descriptive statistics of innovation in manufacturing will be published in the summer.

Innovation in advanced technologies in manufacturing and logging

Statistical tables from the Survey of Advanced Technology 2007 are now available.  This survey of advanced technology use sent to almost 9,500 manufacturing plants and about 370 logging operations shows that almost all (92%) manufacturing plants and more than half of logging operations (58%) currently use at least one advanced technology.  More than two-thirds (69%) of manufacturing plants and about one in five logging operations (18%) currently use at least five advanced technologies.  A paper on the characteristics of manufacturing firms that undertake design activities was presented at Statistics Canada’s Socio-economic Conference on May 5, 2009.

Results of the follow-up to the Survey of Advanced Technology 2007 were released on October 27, 2008.  This survey achieved a 73% response rate (1,219 completed questionnaires) and examined plants that modify or create technologies.  Findings were presented at Statistics Canada’s Socio-economic Conference on May 5, 2009.

General Business Panel Survey Project

Creation of a satellite of the federal Research Data Centre was completed and is providing facilitated access to external researchers who are investigating topics such as the impact of innovative activities on firm performance.

Business incubators

Collection for the Survey of Business Incubation 2007 was completed, achieving a 70% response rate.  An announcement of the availability of final estimates was published in The Daily on August 27, 2008.


No updates to report.

Emerging Technologies

Functional Foods and Natural Health Products

The 2007 Functional Foods and Natural Health Products Survey has been completed.  Preliminary results were released on January 15, 2009.

Knowledge management practices

No updates to report.