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Table 5Total expenditures on scientific activities by objective, and by province, 2005/2006

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Total expenditures on scientific activities by objective, and by province, 2005/2006
  Ontario p Manitoba Alberta British Columbia
  thousands of dollars
Total 776,302 85,635 381,769 323,101
Exploration and exploitation of the earth 16,493 6,931 11,080 7,827
Infrastructure and general planning of land use 13,680 18,619 38,477 39,907
Control and care of the environment 80,777 4,629 37,136 10,838
Protection and improvement of human health 141,965 15,087 88,020 110,760
Production, distribution and rational utilization of energy 1,536 538 41,625 570
Agriculture production and technology 52,148 4,258 41,493 2,001
Fishing 6,572 1,045 4,501 832
Forestry 15,386 3,383 14,063 14,183
Industrial production and technology 36,791 2,668 24,228 5,730
Social development 102,936 23,811 12,525 9,462
Exploration and exploitation of space 2,271 0 0 3,434
Basic research 295,712 4,614 67,842 116,857
Other civil research 10,035 52 779 700