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Table 1-1Gross domestic expenditures on research and development (GERD) in the health field — Compared to total GERD

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Compared to total GERD
  Health research and development (R&D) Population 1 Health research and development (R&D) per capita Gross domestic expenditures on research and development (GERD) 2 Health research and development (R&D) by gross domestic expenditures on research and development (GERD)
  millions of current dollars millions of 1997  current dollars 3 thousands dollars millions of current dollars millions of 1997  constant dollars 3 percent
1989 1,365 1,585 27,282 50 9,516 11,052 14.3
1990 1,551 1,747 27,698 56 10,260 11,554 15.1
1991 1,665 1,820 28,031 59 10,767 11,767 15.5
1992 1,783 1,923 28,367 63 11,338 12,231 15.7
1993 2,006 2,134 28,682 70 12,184 12,962 16.5
1994 2,105 2,213 28,999 73 13,342 14,029 15.8
1995 2,196 2,259 29,302 75 13,754 14,150 16.0
1996 2,317 2,345 29,611 78 13,817 13,985 16.8
1997 2,447 2,447 29,907 82 14,634 14,634 16.7
1998 2,692 2,703 30,157 89 16,088 16,153 16.7
1999 2,967 2,929 30,404 98 17,637 17,411 16.8
2000 r 3,560 3,374 30,689 116 20,580 19,507 17.3
2001 r 4,170 3,908 31,021 134 23,169 21,714 18.0
2002 r 5,061 4,695 31,373 161 23,539 21,836 21.5
2003 r 5,192 4,661 31,676 164 24,337 21,846 21.3
2004 r 5,892 5,132 31,989 184 26,003 22,651 22.7
2005 e 6,174 5,210 32,299 191 27,174 22,932 22.7
2006 e 6,596 .. 32,623 202 28,357 .. 23.3
CANSIM table 051-0005.
Estimates of Canadian Research and Development Expenditures (GERD), Canada 1995 to 2006 and by province 1995 to 2004, no. 88F0006XIE2006009, September 2006 on CANSIM table 358-0001.
CANSIM table 384-0036.