Table 16
Profile of the Canadian-controlled and foreign-controlled record production and integrated record production and distribution industry, Canada, 2007r to 2009

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Profile of the Canadian-controlled and foreign-controlled record production and integrated record production and distribution industry, Canada, 2007 to 2009
  Canadian-controlled Foreign-controlled
2009 2008  2007 r 2009 2008  2007 r
Number of new releases  
Recordings by Canadian artists 523 .. 462 49 .. 124
Recordings by non-Canadian artists 182 .. x 1,749 .. x
Total 705 .. x 1,798 .. x
  thousands of dollars
Operating revenue  
Sales of recordings by Canadian artists 58,846 .. 68,017 22,303 .. 40,317
Sales of recordings by non-Canadian artists 48,335 .. 63,642 250,975 .. 317,294
Revenue from royalties and rights 8,218 .. 10,244 23,668 .. 29,772
All other operating revenue 30,386 .. 35,612 137,698 .. 93,705
Total operating revenue 145,784 177,150 177,516 434,644 427,303 481,088
Operating expenses  
Cost of goods sold 42,261 56,987 53,604 113,274 112,810 102,763
Royalties, rights, licensing and franchise fees 18,627 21,210 22,400 117,588 120,494 155,849
Salaries, benefits and freelance fees 22,921 25,425 25,649 47,710 47,958 58,573
All other operating expenses 50,712 63,253 63,989 72,418 76,277 96,314
Total operating expenses 134,522 166,875 165,643 350,990 357,539 413,499
Operating profit 11,263 10,275 11,873 83,654 69,764 67,589
Operating profit margin 7.7 5.8 6.7 19.2 16.3 14.0
Due to rounding, components may not add to total. Based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and includes all establishments classified under 512210 record production and 512220 integrated record production and distribution. The surveyed portion includes only data for surveyed establishments weighted to represent other establishments that were eligible for sampling but were not selected. The surveyed portion represents approximately 95% of total industry revenue.