Statistics Canada
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Table 16
Sources of performance revenue, survey portion, by industry 2008p

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Sources of performance revenue, survey portion, by industry 2008
  Total performance revenue Subscriptions Single tickets Contract production Touring income
  thousands of dollars
Not-for-profit establishments  
Theatre (except musical) companies 145,612 26,686 94,928 4,553 19,444
Musical theatre and opera companies (including dinner theatre) 36,966 x x x 195
Dance companies 27,534 6,403 12,606 1,826 6,699
Musical groups and artists 51,490 24,001 16,582 7,422 3,485
Other performing arts companies (including multidisciplinary) 7,119 x x x 3,106
Total 268,721 75,397 142,023 18,372 32,930
Based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and includes theatre (except musical) companies (711111), musical theatre and opera companies (including dinner theatres) (711112), dance companies (711120), musical groups and artists (711130) and other performing arts companies (including multidisciplinary) (711190). Due to rounding components may not add up to total. See “Methodology and definitions “at the end of tables for definition of terms.
Statistics Canada, Annual Survey of Service Industries, Performing Arts.