Table 2
Culture goods trade with the United States, 2003 to 2010 - current dollars

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Culture goods trade with the United States, 2003 to 2010 - current dollars

Table summary
This table displays the results of culture goods trade with the united states 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010, calculated using thousands of dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).

  2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
  thousands of dollars
Writing and published works  
Books 1,074,000 1,057,912 1,034,275 1,024,647 1,024,926 1,045,761 1,054,684 995,963
Newspapers and periodicals 1,034,139 1,041,973 1,073,082 1,085,745 1,055,810 1,039,752 962,833 960,344
Other printed materials 219,504 205,096 181,298 212,818 199,227 196,173 162,623 137,394
Subtotal 2,327,643 2,304,981 2,288,655 2,323,210 2,279,963 2,281,686 2,180,140 2,093,701
Film and video  
Film 6,557 5,944 4,888 4,894 5,622 5,591 6,173 4,789
Video 356,262 325,785 333,862 252,742 329,916 356,194 325,545 279,826
Subtotal 362,820 331,729 338,750 257,637 335,538 361,786 331,718 284,616
Sound recording and music
Sound recordings 89,239 89,040 98,196 96,224 16,098 19,210 22,172 19,670
Printed music 14,762 14,609 14,372 13,327 11,329 11,717 11,187 9,243
Subtotal 104,001 103,649 112,568 109,551 27,427 30,927 33,360 28,913
Visual arts  
Original art 33,798 32,424 46,625 45,680 55,046 56,880 66,105 60,622
Other visual arts 12,953 11,233 9,586 9,989 11,836 12,817 8,682 9,141
Subtotal 46,751 43,657 56,212 55,668 66,882 69,697 74,786 69,763
Architecture 1,723 1,657 1,135 1,265 1,472 935 871 616
Advertising 166,735 158,115 154,883 174,926 152,258 194,431 186,513 211,106
Heritage 11,556 9,239 9,906 11,988 17,749 19,796 10,833 11,647
Photography 130,088 105,351 106,800 114,117 102,817 108,476 91,700 85,667
Total 3,151,316 3,058,380 3,068,910 3,048,363 2,984,105 3,067,733 2,909,922 2,786,029
Writing and published works  
Books 404,872 386,576 352,499 340,758 340,118 347,297 290,854 224,937
Newspapers and periodicals 221,572 182,084 205,767 203,795 149,142 110,548 83,270 72,697
Other printed materials 249,548 233,947 217,006 165,029 131,700 97,520 70,716 70,502
Subtotal 875,992 802,607 775,272 709,582 620,959 555,365 444,840 368,136
Film and video  
Film 338,359 342,838 383,284 365,709 350,417 347,564 380,108 297,820
Video 247,288 240,974 207,216 133,410 269,449 204,906 165,672 152,625
Subtotal 585,647 583,812 590,500 499,119 619,866 552,470 545,780 450,446
Sound recording and music
Sound recordings 131,158 124,463 126,828 106,432 9,410 6,010 5,306 4,496
Printed music 113 40 121 187 355 1,006 718 471
Subtotal 131,270 124,503 126,949 106,619 9,765 7,015 6,024 4,968
Visual arts  
Original art 45,465 51,996 56,636 49,576 85,600 53,407 43,790 37,748
Other visual arts 16,894 15,644 12,412 16,687 10,945 9,461 8,027 9,354
Subtotal 62,359 67,640 69,048 66,263 96,545 62,868 51,817 47,102
Architecture 1,971 1,236 1,114 400 320 297 88 1,678
Advertising 436,288 409,213 369,691 310,623 264,121 221,239 164,690 159,829
Heritage 10,518 10,557 11,410 13,068 8,500 9,521 22,713 10,250
Photography 206,280 210,718 182,597 157,750 144,725 115,591 108,275 88,776
Total 2,310,326 2,210,286 2,126,582 1,863,425 1,764,801 1,524,367 1,344,227 1,131,184
Data used for culture goods trade tabulations are revised by the International Trade Division of Statistics Canada, on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. Due to these ongoing quality improvements, data in this table may differ from data found in previous published versions. Due to changes in the Harmonized System of Classification in 2007, there is a break in series for video and sound recording. Some sound recording activity may be found in the video data.