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Table 15-3
Approved legal aid applications, staff and private lawyers by type of civil matter — Other

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  Total Staff lawyers Private lawyers
  number percent number percent
Newfoundland and Labrador  
2004/2005 . . .
2005/2006 . . .
2006/2007 . . .
2007/2008 . . .
2008/2009 . . .
Prince Edward Island 1  
2004/2005 . . .
2005/2006 . . .
2006/2007 . . .
2007/2008 . . .
2008/2009 . . .
Nova Scotia  
2004/2005 284 199 70 85 30
2005/2006 240 182 76 58 24
2006/2007 184 164 89 20 11
2007/2008 357 321 90 36 10
2008/2009 527 365 69 162 31
New Brunswick 2  
2004/2005 0 0 0 0 0
2005/2006 0 0 0 0 0
2006/2007 0 0 0 0 0
2007/2008 0 0 0 0 0
2008/2009 0 0 0 0 0
2004/2005 41,272 23,956 58 17,316 42
2005/2006 42,040 24,641 59 17,399 41
2006/2007 40,820 23,917 59 16,903 41
2007/2008 41,766 23,741 57 18,025 43
2008/2009 43,146 24,355 56 18,791 44
Ontario 3  
2004/2005 33,690 15,964 47 17,726 53
2005/2006 32,757 16,028 49 16,729 51
2006/2007 34,568 17,703 51 16,865 49
2007/2008 34,965 17,600 50 17,365 50
2008/2009 36,504 17,896 49 18,608 51
Manitoba 4  
2004/2005 . . .
2005/2006 . . .
2006/2007 . . .
2007/2008 . . .
2008/2009 . . .
2004/2005 2 2 100 0 0
2005/2006 0 0 0 0 0
2006/2007 0 0 0 0 0
2007/2008 1 1 100 0 0
2008/2009 0 0 0 0 0
2004/2005 2,432 162 7 2,270 93
2005/2006 1,171 65 6 1,106 94
2006/2007 1,282 50 4 1,232 96
2007/2008 1,072 51 5 1,021 95
2008/2009 1,532 86 6 1,446 94
British Columbia  
2004/2005 740 0 0 740 100
2005/2006 837 0 0 837 100
2006/2007 1,012 4 0 1,008 100
2007/2008 1,192 1 0 1,191 100
2008/2009 1,464 11 1 1,453 99
Yukon 5  
2004/2005 111 110 99 1 1
2005/2006 77 74 96 3 4
2006/2007 49 48 98 1 2
2007/2008 54 54 100 0 0
2008/2009 79 79 100 0 0
Northwest Territories 6  
2004/2005 15 9 60 6 40
2005/2006 12 5 42 7 58
2006/2007 21 10 48 11 52
2007/2008 18 15 83 3 17
2008/2009 5 3 60 2 40
2004/2005 0 0 0 0 0
2005/2006 87 84 97 3 3
2006/2007 4 3 75 1 25
2007/2008 .. .. ..
2008/2009 18 18 100 0 0
2004/2005 78,546 40,402 51 38,144 49
2005/2006 77,221 41,079 53 36,142 47
2006/2007 77,940 41,899 54 36,041 46
2007/2008 79,425 41,784 53 37,641 47
2008/2009 83,275 42,813 51 40,462 49
In Prince Edward Island in 2004/2005, all approved applications for civil matters were counted as full service applications.
In New Brunswick in 2004/2005, many members of the private bar refused to take legal aid cases.
Ontario has 79 legal aid clinics that are independent, non-profit organizations funded by the legal aid plan. Staff lawyers and community legal workers at these clinics provide legal aid services primarily in “other” civil matters, particularly in the area of poverty law which includes, social assistance/income maintenance, landlord and tenant, workers’ compensation, criminal injuries compensation, and refugee and immigration matters. The figures in Table 16 represent summary legal advice services provided by these clinics. Summary legal advice services provided by the legal aid plan are included in duty counsel services (Table 21).
In 2005/2006, Manitoba began to issue one legal aid certificate per matter. This lead to an increase in the count for total, approved and refused legal aid applications. In 2006/2007, the use of certificate equivalents initiated by staff was discontinued, resulting in a decrease in the count for total and approved applications and an increase in refused applications.
No distinction is made between summary and full service applications in Yukon. All applications are counted as full service applications. Data for Yukon include duty counsel counts. In 2004/2005, Yukon opened a poverty law clinic, resulting in an increase in applications under civil matters "other".
Presumed eligibility counts are not included in the data for the Northwest Territories. Territorial offences are included with criminal matters.
For more details on legal aid concepts and terminology please refer to the glossary.
Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Legal Aid Survey 3308.