Table 10
Matrix of contribution to urban factors, Toronto, 2006

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Matrix of contribution to urban factors, Toronto, 2006

Table summary
This table displays the results of matrix of contribution to urban factors. The information is grouped by percent of variance explained (appearing as row headers), residential mobility, central neighbourhoods, percent, 52 and 25, calculated using contribution to factor units of measure (appearing as column headers).

Percent of variance explained Residential mobility Central neighbourhoods
  52 25
  contribution to factor
Renters 0.754 0.239
Age of buildings -0.247 0.888
Single-detached houses -0.833 -0.161
Residential stability (five years) -0.906 0.135
Residential mobility (one year) 0.827 -0.052
Commuting by car -0.693 -0.571
Distance from downtown -0.326 -0.843
Statistics Canada, Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey, geocoded database, 2006 and 2006 Census.
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