Table 13
Pearson's correlation coefficient of neighbourhood characteristics, city of Toronto, 2006

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Pearson's correlation coefficient of neighbourhood characteristics, city of Toronto, 2006: Part 1
  Number of the variable  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Access to socio-economic resources 1
Economic vulnerability 2 -0.292**
Visible minorities 3 -0.591** 0.627**
Recent immigrants 4 -0.411** 0.745** 0.763**
Ethno-cultural diversity 5 -0.473** 0.344** 0.618** 0.454**
Children 6 -0.386** 0.397** 0.345** 0.288** 0.205**
Elderly people 7 0.024 -0.324** -0.240** -0.247** -0.078 -0.334**
Young men 8 -0.072 0.191** 0.324** 0.282** 0.149** -0.322** -0.349**
Centrality 9 0.249** -0.230** -0.577** -0.485** -0.374** -0.264** -0.040 0.027
Urbanization 10 -0.088* 0.467** 0.223** 0.457** 0.094* -0.235** -0.344** 0.397**
Major repairs 11 -0.350** 0.300** 0.015 0.079 0.016 0.196** -0.261** 0.119**
Subway or train station 12 0.349** -0.059 -0.216** -0.130** -0.152** -0.268** -0.037 0.128**
Commercial activity 13 0.235** -0.137** -0.137** -0.109* -0.102* -0.267** -0.007 0.141**
Manufacturing jobs 14 -0.030 -0.107* 0.023 0.005 0.020 -0.126** -0.029 0.088*
Office jobs 15 0.462** -0.115** -0.180** -0.057 -0.138** -0.394** -0.023 0.170**
Bars 16 0.197** -0.146** -0.167** -0.184** -0.140** -0.325** -0.116** 0.282**
Pearson's correlation coefficient of neighbourhood characteristics, city of Toronto, 2006: Part 2
  Number of the variable  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Access to socio-economic resources 1
Economic vulnerability 2
Visible minorities 3
Recent immigrants 4
Ethno-cultural diversity 5
Children 6
Elderly people 7
Young men 8
Centrality 9
Urbanization 10 0.170**
Major repairs 11 0.480** 0.274**
Subway or train station 12 0.227** 0.231** -0.078
Commercial activity 13 0.128** 0.161** -0.146** 0.282**
Manufacturing jobs 14 -0.091* 0.099* -0.165** 0.172** 0.617**
Office jobs 15 0.034 0.242** -0.295** 0.373** 0.743** 0.615**
Bars 16 0.264** 0.262** -0.046 0.266** 0.494** 0.298** 0.467**
Significantly associated with dependent variable p<0.05
Significantly associated with dependent variable p<0.01
Significantly associated with dependent variable p<0.001
Statistics Canada, 2006 Census.