Table 4.2
Family-related homicides by province and territory, 2000 to 2009

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Family-related homicides by province and territory, 2000 to 2009
Province or territory Sex of victim Total
Male Female
  number rate 1 percent of total solved homicides number rate 1 percent of total solved homicides number rate 1 percent of total solved homicides
Newfoundland and Labrador 6 2.4 35.3 11 4.2 52.4 17 3.3 44.7
Prince Edward Island x x x x x x 3 2.2 33.3
Nova Scotia 7 1.5 9.6 18 3.8 69.2 25 2.7 25.3
New Brunswick 14 3.8 28.6 16 4.2 76.2 30 4.0 42.9
Quebec 107 2.9 22.2 208 5.4 68.9 315 4.2 40.2
Ontario 155 2.5 16.6 326 5.2 66.1 481 3.9 33.7
Manitoba 72 12.3 22.8 48 8.1 57.1 120 10.2 30.0
Saskatchewan 75 15.1 31.8 31 6.1 48.4 106 10.6 35.3
Alberta 108 6.4 24.2 111 6.8 64.2 219 6.6 35.4
British Columbia 86 4.1 19.7 133 6.3 55.6 219 5.2 32.4
Yukon 4 24.8 33.3 2 12.9 50.0 6 18.9 37.5
Northwest Territories 5 22.6 29.4 5 24.4 71.4 10 23.5 41.7
Nunavut 7 45.0 31.8 9 62.4 81.8 16 53.4 48.5
Canada 646 4.1 21.2 921 5.7 63.6 1,567 4.9 34.9
Rates are calculated on the basis of 1,000,000 population. Populations based upon July 1st estimates from Statistics Canada, Demography Division.
Excludes homicides where the sex of the victim was unknown. Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding.
Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Homicide Survey.
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