Statistics Canada
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Table 1.5
Victims of spousal violence by offence type and sex of victim, reported to a subset of police services, 2006

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Offence type Total Sex of victim
Female Male
number percent number percent number percent
Homicide/attempts 155 0 110 0 45 1
Sexual assault1 633 2 622 2 11 0
Major assault (levels 2 & 3)2 5,555 14 4,047 13 1,508 23
Common assault (level 1) 23,680 61 19,749 62 3,931 60
Criminal harassment 3,053 8 2,705 8 348 5
Uttering threats 4,283 11 3,663 11 620 9
Other violent offences3 1,214 3 1,132 4 82 1
Total offences 38,573 100 32,028 100 6,545 100
0 true zero or a value rounded to zero
1. Sexual assault is classified into either one of three levels according to the seriousness of the incident or as other sexual crimes. Level 1, sexual assault, is the category of least physical injury to the victim; level 2 includes sexual assault with a weapon, threats to use a weapon, or causing bodily harm; and level 3 includes aggravated sexual assault which wounds, maims, disfigures or endangers the life of the victim.
2. Major assault includes assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm (level 2) and aggravated assault, is defined as assault that wounds, maims, disfigures or endangers the life of the victim (level 3).
3. Other violent offences include robbery, unlawfully causing bodily harm, discharge firearm with intent, assault against peace-public officer, criminal negligence causing bodily harm, other assaults, kidnapping, hostage-taking, explosives causing death/bodily harm, arson, and other violent violations.
Notes: Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding. Excludes incidents where the sex and/or the age of the victim was unknown. Includes victims aged 15 to 98. Spousal violence refers to violence committed by legally married, common-law, separated and divorced partners. Data are not nationally representative. Based on data from 149 police services representing approximately 90% of the population of Canada in 2006. Hamilton Police Service is excluded from the analysis due to data quality of the relationship variable.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR2) Survey.