Statistics Canada
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Table 1.2
Number of spousal violence incidents as a proportion of total violent incidents, reported to a subset of police services, by province/territory and sex of victim, 2006

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  Total Sex of victim
Female Male
number proportion 1 proportion 1 proportion 1
Canada 38,573 15 13 3
Newfoundland and Labrador 349 10 9 2
Prince Edward Island 109 16 14 2
Nova Scotia 652 8 7 2
New Brunswick 460 8 7 1
Quebec 15,248 20 17 3
Ontario 11,713 14 12 3
Manitoba 1,577 11 9 2
Saskatchewan 2,128 13 11 2
Alberta 4,447 18 15 3
British Columbia 1,383 8 6 1
Yukon 53 13 10 2
Northwest Territories 189 16 14 2
Nunavut 265 20 18 3
1. To ensure that data are comparable across the provinces and territories, proportions have been adjusted for incidents where the relationship between the victim and the accused was unknown. Weights were calculated based on total violent incidents against spouses. For further information, refer to the Data sources section.
Notes: Data are not nationally representative. Based on data from 149 police services representing approximately 90% of the population of Canada in 2006. Hamilton Police Service is excluded from the analysis due to data quality of the relationship variable. Coverage of the UCR2 survey for each jurisdiction in 2006 is 100% for all of the provinces and territories except: Quebec (99.4%), Ontario (98.9%), Alberta (98.7%), Manitoba (96.8%), New Brunswick (90.7%), and British Columbia (33.7%). Excludes incidents where the sex and/or age of the victim was unknown. Includes victims aged 15 to 98. Spousal violence refers to violence committed by legally married, common-law, separated and divorced partners.
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR2) Survey.