Table 9
Count of incidents as most serious violation and as any violation, Canada, 2007

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Count of incidents as most serious violation and as any violation, Canada, 2007
  Offence as most serious in incident Offence as any violation in incident Percent increase over most serious count
  number percent
Total - all violations 2,192,656 2,507,036 14.3
Total Criminal Code violations (including traffic) 2,086,628 2,369,476 13.6
Total Criminal Code violations (excluding traffic) 1,966,528 2,235,593 13.7
Total violent Criminal Code violations 350,437 393,095 12.2
Homicide 519 519 0.0
Other violations causing death 69 69 0.0
Attempted murder 618 624 1.0
Sexual assault - level 3 - aggravated 108 111 2.8
Sexual assault - level 2 - weapon or bodily harm 330 433 31.2
Sexual assault - level 1 17,374 17,916 3.1
Sexual violations against children 250 524 109.6
Assault - level 3 - aggravated 2,835 3,148 11.0
Assault - level 2 - weapon or bodily harm 42,672 45,281 6.1
Assault - level 1 142,302 152,686 7.3
Assault police officer 6,497 8,021 23.5
Other assaults 2,741 4,396 60.4
Firearms - use of, discharge, pointing 1,192 2,775 132.8
Robbery 27,735 28,091 1.3
Forceible confinement or kidnapping 3,888 4,026 3.5
Abduction 348 376 8.0
Extortion 1,153 1,247 8.2
Criminal harassment 14,992 15,394 2.7
Uttering threats 59,489 78,583 32.1
Threatening or harassing phone calls 22,071 23,880 8.2
Other violent Criminal Code violations 3,254 4,995 53.5
Total non-violent Criminal Code violations 1,616,091 1,842,498 14.0
Breaking and entering 209,843 214,906 2.4
Possess stolen property 30,201 42,232 39.8
Theft of motor vehicle 131,797 134,183 1.8
Theft over $5,000 (non-motor vehicle) 15,851 20,382 28.6
Theft under $5,000 (non-motor vehicle) 518,550 575,923 11.1
Fraud 81,534 82,873 1.6
Mischief 330,330 368,612 11.6
Arson 11,501 11,959 4.0
Counterfeiting 9,525 9,610 0.9
Weapons violations 13,777 25,352 84.0
Child pornography 1,244 1,327 6.7
Prostitution 4,091 4,724 15.5
Disturb the peace 83,797 90,285 7.7
Adminstration of justice violations 146,003 209,279 43.3
Other non-violent Criminal Code violations 28,047 50,851 81.3
Total Criminal Code traffic violations 120,100 133,883 11.5
Impaired driving 70,508 78,142 10.8
Other Criminal Code traffic violations 49,592 55,741 12.4
Total federal statute violations 106,028 137,560 29.7
Possession - cannabis 40,117 48,343 20.5
Possession - cocaine 9,534 12,782 34.1
Possession - other Controlled Drugs and Substances Act drugs 8,272 11,185 35.2
Trafficking, production or distribution - cannabis 13,458 16,852 25.2
Trafficking, production or distribution - cocaine 9,559 9,994 4.6
Trafficking, production or distribution - other Controlled Drugs and Substances Act drugs 5,602 7,062 26.1
Youth Criminal Justice Act 7,147 15,075 110.9
Other federal statutes 12,339 16,267 31.8
Data in this table are from respondents to the Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey in 2007 only and therefore will not match numbers from either the Aggregate Uniform Crime Reporting Survey or the Aggregated Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.
Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.
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