Table 4
Perceptions of criminal courts, prisons, and parole system, by population group or Indigenous identity, Canada, 2019
Table 4
Perceptions of criminal courts, prisons, and parole system, by population group or Indigenous identity, Canada, 2019
Table summary
This table displays the results of Perceptions of criminal courts. The information is grouped by Perception of criminal courts, prisons, and parole system (appearing as row headers), Population group or Indigenous identity, Black, First Nations, Métis, or Inuit, Other group designated as visible minority, Non-Indigenous, non-visible minority, percent and 95% confidence interval, calculated using from and to units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Perception of criminal courts, prisons, and parole system
Information on Indigenous identity and belonging to a population group designated as visible minority is captured in two separate questions. Having separate questions and variables encourages data users to take into account the differences between these groups, including in terms of their history, background, geographic distribution, and current conditions and situations. These distinctions should be considered when collecting data and planning, monitoring, and evaluating programs and services. For the purposes of this report, in order to have a consistent reference category across all sections, the questions on Indigenous identity and population group have been partially combined in order to create the category of “Non-Indigenous, non-visible minority”. This category includes respondents who indicated they were not Indigenous people and provided responses to the question on population group which indicated that they are not a visible minority according to the Employment Equity Act, which is the basis for the current question on population group used in the General Social Survey and the Canadian Legal Problems Survey.