Table 5
Police-reported crime for selected offences, by province or territory, 2019

Table 5
Police-reported crime for selected offences, by province or territory, 2019
Table summary
This table displays the results of Police-reported crime for selected offences. The information is grouped by Province or territory (appearing as row headers), Homicide, Attempted murder, Major assault (level 2 and 3) and Robbery, calculated using number, rate and percent change in rate 2018 to 2019 units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Province or territory Homicide Attempted murder Major assault (level 2 and 3)Table 5 Note 1 Robbery
number rate percent change in rate 2018 to 2019Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2018 to 2019Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2018 to 2019Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2018 to 2019Table 5 Note 2
Newfoundland and Labrador 5 0.96 Note ...: not applicable 4 0.77 Note ...: not applicable 742 142 20 162 31 -24
Prince Edward Island 2 1.27 Note ...: not applicable 0 0.00 Note ...: not applicable 111 71 Note 0svalue rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded 24 15 12
Nova Scotia 6 0.62 -46 43 4.43 124 1,254 129 8 237 24 -25
New Brunswick 15 1.93 15 17 2.19 87 1,162 150 8 173 22 -16
Quebec 77 0.91 -8 200 2.36 6 11,482 135 7 3,417 40 4
Ontario 246 1.69 -11 345 2.37 -10 17,029 117 2 8,936 61 -1
Manitoba 72 5.26 29 26 1.90 -29 6,157 450 11 2,688 196 -1
Saskatchewan 55 4.68 60 69 5.88 90 4,638 395 9 1,110 95 10
Alberta 100 2.29 21 53 1.21 -2 10,162 232 6 3,621 83 2
British ColumbiaTable 5 Note 4 90 1.77 -1 100 1.97 12 9,229 182 19 2,856 56 13
Yukon 1 2.45 Note ...: not applicable 1 2.45 Note ...: not applicable 228 558 3 22 54 37
Northwest Territories 2 4.46 Note ...: not applicable 1 2.23 Note ...: not applicable 544 1,214 26 34 76 -13
Nunavut 7 18.05 -14 6 15.47 -26 602 1,552 32 16 41 21
Canada 678 1.80 2 865 2.30 4 63,340 169 8 23,296 62 2

Table 5
Police-reported crime for selected offences, by province or territory, 2019
Table summary
This table displays the results of Police-reported crime for selected offences. The information is grouped by Province or territory (appearing as row headers), Sexual assault (level 1, 2 and 3), Breaking and entering, Motor vehicle theft and Impaired driving, calculated using number, rate and percent change in rate 2018 to 2019 units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Province or territory Sexual assault (level 1, 2 and 3) Breaking and entering Motor vehicle theft Impaired drivingTable 5 Note 3
number rate percent change in rate 2018 to 2019Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2018 to 2019Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2018 to 2019Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2018 to 2019Table 5 Note 2
Newfoundland and Labrador 391 75 13 1,994 382 1 434 83 -11 2,245 430 95
Prince Edward Island 131 83 20 471 300 8 142 90 9 1,012 645 56
Nova Scotia 903 93 -15 2,634 271 -4 927 95 2 3,679 379 33
New Brunswick 633 81 13 3,695 476 4 1,464 188 9 2,847 366 53
Quebec 5,987 71 4 23,432 276 -11 11,961 141 -5 14,900 176 6
Ontario 11,064 76 1 44,974 309 -4 23,992 165 -2 15,182 104 5
Manitoba 1,701 124 12 11,058 807 7 5,546 405 16 4,239 310 25
Saskatchewan 1,461 124 12 10,005 852 -2 5,284 450 -8 6,328 539 1
Alberta 3,933 90 9 33,102 757 2 23,535 538 -2 14,228 325 13
British ColumbiaTable 5 Note 4 4,143 82 24 28,759 567 8 13,352 263 5 18,071 356 45
Yukon 129 316 53 261 639 27 142 348 9 845 2,068 55
Northwest Territories 257 573 58 469 1,046 5 179 399 -3 1,407 3,139 36
Nunavut 202 521 13 437 1,127 -12 108 278 4 690 1,779 62
Canada 30,935 82 7 161,291 429 -1 87,066 232 Note 0svalue rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded 85,673 228 19

Table 5
Police-reported crime for selected offences, by province or territory, 2019
Table summary
This table displays the results of Police-reported crime for selected offences. The information is grouped by Province or territory (appearing as row headers), Total fraud, Fraud, Identity fraud and Identity theft, calculated using number, rate and percent change in rate 2018 to 2019 units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Province or territory Total fraudTable 5 Note 5 Fraud Identity fraud Identity theft
number rate percent change in rate 2018 to 2019Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2018 to 2019Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2018 to 2019Table 5 Note 2 number rate percent change in rate 2018 to 2019Table 5 Note 2
Newfoundland and Labrador 1,686 323 1 1,574 302 -1 61 12 34 51 10 98
Prince Edward Island 615 392 11 578 368 11 28 18 5 9 6 Note ...: not applicable
Nova Scotia 4,276 440 -7 3,988 411 -9 198 20 6 90 9 117
New Brunswick 3,536 455 -8 3,241 417 -11 207 27 47 88 11 62
Quebec 26,461 312 14 18,617 219 9 5,816 69 39 2,028 24 7
Ontario 62,432 429 12 55,842 383 11 5,880 40 19 710 5 60
Manitoba 6,227 455 23 5,717 417 22 346 25 26 164 12 67
Saskatchewan 6,668 568 -2 5,861 499 -4 680 58 8 127 11 55
Alberta 26,822 614 4 23,375 535 3 2,580 59 10 867 20 18
British ColumbiaTable 5 Note 4 27,205 536 12 22,816 450 11 3,851 76 18 538 11 11
Yukon 263 644 41 251 614 39 5 12 -17 7 17 Note ...: not applicable
Northwest Territories 221 493 19 211 471 21 8 18 -27 2 4 Note ...: not applicable
Nunavut 75 193 -7 69 178 -10 4 10 Note ...: not applicable 2 5 Note ...: not applicable
Canada 166,487 443 10 142,140 378 8 19,664 52 22 4,683 12 21
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