Table 3.8
Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex and urban or rural area, provinces, 2018

Table 3.8
Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex and urban or rural area, provinces, 2018
Table summary
This table displays the results of Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence. The information is grouped by Urban or rural area (appearing as row headers), Female victims, Male victims and Total victims, calculated using number and rate units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Urban or rural areaTable 3.8 Note 1 Female victims Male victims Total victims
number rate number rate number rate
Family violence
Urban 1,765 67 1,144 51 2,909 60
Rural 557 97 508 89 1,065 93
Non-family violence
Urban 2,611 99 3,963 177 6,574 135
Rural 508 88 979 171 1,487 130
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