Table 3.2
Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex and type of violation, Canada, 2018

Table 3.2
Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence, by victim sex and type of violation, Canada, 2018
Table summary
This table displays the results of Senior victims of police-reported family and non-family violence. The information is grouped by Type of violation (appearing as row headers), Female victims, Male victims and Total victims, calculated using number and rate units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Type of violation Female victims Male victims Total victims
number rate number rate number rate
Family violence
Homicide and other violations causing deathTable 3.2 Note 1 16 0.5 12 0.4 28 0.5
Attempted murderTable 3.2 Note 2 5 0.2 11 0.4 16 0.3
Sexual assaultTable 3.2 Note 3 57 2 3 0.1 60 1
Physical assaultTable 3.2 Note 4 1,644 51 1,190 42 2,834 47
Other offences involving violence or the threat of violenceTable 3.2 Note 5 644 20 479 17 1123 19
Total family violence 2,366 74 1,695 60 4,061 67
Non-family violence
Homicide and other violations causing deathTable 3.2 Note 1 10 0.3 20 0.7 30 0.5
Attempted murderTable 3.2 Note 2 7 0.2 11 0.4 18 0.3
Sexual assaultTable 3.2 Note 3 413 13 38 1 451 7
Physical assaultTable 3.2 Note 4 1,613 50 3,201 114 4,814 80
Other offences involving violence or the threat of violenceTable 3.2 Note 5 1,099 34 1,724 61 2,823 47
Total non-family violence 3,142 98 4,994 178 8,136 135
Total victims 5,508 172 6,689 238 12,197 203
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